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₮Describe most current features ₮Talk about/confirm where districts are at with SchoolBooks features ₮Work at establishing a high level of expectation.

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Presentation on theme: "₮Describe most current features ₮Talk about/confirm where districts are at with SchoolBooks features ₮Work at establishing a high level of expectation."— Presentation transcript:

1 ₮Describe most current features ₮Talk about/confirm where districts are at with SchoolBooks features ₮Work at establishing a high level of expectation on users with regards to accountability and understanding. ₮Our intention is for customers to look at their schoolbooks operation from a high and critical level. Be honest, be thorough, rate yourself on quality, accountability, efficiency.

2 ₮New reimburse compare report GNS.507 – cheque amount to reimbursement account = reimbursement recorded! ₮Better job browse/attach … available at time of ₮GREAT ability to to easily flip back and forth from AC to SchoolBooks and different years ₮New online help and latest features tab.. May have noticed reorder of the tabs to alpha ₮Better job if you are using transaction R/W (GNL.560P).. Report now prints all detail (used to summarize)

3 ₮Lord Selkirk, Hanover … implement School Books! ₮Are you using Web product only … No Core ₮Are you using schoolbooks to create your receipts.. You should and reduce single accumulated deposit entries ₮Are you using schoolbooks to create your cheques … a Must for most schools (handwriting cheques is problematic!) ₮Do all of the right people have appropriate access to schoolbooks web.. Admin/Clerical and edit or lookup

4 ₮Are transactions being recorded in a timely fashion at all schools and are schools balancing monthly in a timely fashion? ₮Balance to CIMS means most current bank rec report shows in balance! TIME - 13:49:43 BANK RECONCILIATION PROG - CDS.625 BANK - BANK 1 - BANK ------------------------------------------------------------------------ STATEMENT CLOSING DATE 3/31/15 ENDING BALANCE PER BANK $26,675.98 ADD: DEPOSITS IN TRANSIT _________704.04CR (SEE ATTACHED LIST - CRS.660) A/R RECEIPTS IN TRANSIT ____________.00 (SEE ATTACHED LIST - ARS.660) TOTAL $25,971.94 LESS: OUTSTANDING CHEQUES _______2,800.09 (SEE ATTACHED LIST - CDS.660) EXPECTED STATEMENT BALANCE $23,171.85 *************** CURRENT BANK BALANCE 1.BANK.000 $22,846.04CR ** BANK BALANCES DO NOT MATCH **

5 ₮Progress with browse/attach ₮Distr Bank Reconciliations Cheques Receipts J/E RETSD, 7OAKS YES YES YES YES FMPSD,ISD,TMSD YES YES YES PLPSD YES SD72,SD37,SD23,SD83, BSD … nothing consistent in eFile ₮How are you at District Office checking on schoolbooks.. ₮Monthly GNS.588.. Could we do better? ₮Handing in Bank Reconciliations?

6 ₮Are auditors working off of actual cheque and cash receipt reports … OR … should you just be going into your bank account and pressing ₮Request from RETSD to start placing GE x on reporting as auditor wants all cheques >x or all receipts >x ….

7 ₮Desire to add 0 value cheque lines to print on cheque. Note that this would not be available text anywhere else in the G/L ₮Be able to create a ‘fake invoice’.. Something to record and reference when money arrives. Not real A/R.

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