Today’s Prompt… People come in and out of our lives like passengers on a train. Some stay for much of our journey. Others get on and off, quickly disappearing.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Prompt… People come in and out of our lives like passengers on a train. Some stay for much of our journey. Others get on and off, quickly disappearing."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Prompt… People come in and out of our lives like passengers on a train. Some stay for much of our journey. Others get on and off, quickly disappearing into their own travels. Write a poem, story or essay about someone who became part of your life, but left the train. Who were they? Why do you miss them? What happened? Focus on tone, voice, and imagery.

2 Reader’s Workshop This six weeks we are going to explore books about writing. You will need to choose a book on craft or writing to read this six weeks. You will not have to read it cover to cover, but just enough to get some ideas and advice on writing. Some suggestions… –On Writing by Stephen King –Bird by Bird by Anne Lammott –Naming the World by Bret Anthony Johsnon –On Writing Well by William Zinsser

3 Revision Day! Revise your pieces from workshop. They are due at the end of class and worth 30% of your grade. To get a good grade you must: –Show evidence of revision— not just fixing grammar and spelling. –Have at least some concrete, sensory details that enhance the piece since this is what we studied thus far. –Be complete. Meaning if it’s a story, it needs a conflict and a resolution. If it’s a poem, it must be more than 10 lines.

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