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C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June.

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Presentation on theme: "C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June."— Presentation transcript:

1 C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June

2 Trial Profile

3 C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Baseline demographic features and laboratory measurements by treatment allocation

4 C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Average use of study simvastatin plus ezetimibe or non-study statin and average change in plasma LDL cholesterol from baseline, by period of follow-up

5 C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Life-table plot of effects of allocation to simvastatin plus ezetimibe versus placebo on major atherosclerotic events

6 C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Major atherosclerotic events subdivided by type

7 C. Baigent, et al. Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Major atherosclerotic events by baseline characteristics χ² tests on 1 degree of freedom are shown for heterogeneity between rate ratios within dichotomous categories and for trend within other categories. BP=blood pressure. MDRD=Modifi ed Diet in Renal Disease formula.17 GFR=glomerular fi ltration rate

8 C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Cause-specific and overall mortality

9 C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Cancer incidence and cancer mortality by site

10 C. Baigent, et al. on behalf of the SHARP Investigators Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Effects of allocation to simvastatin plus ezetimibe on muscle and hepatobiliary system

11 C. Baigent, et al. Lancet 2011;Epub 9 June Effects of LDL-lowering therapy on particular vascular outcomes in four trials in patients with chronic kidney disease and 23 trials in other patients Data from the Cholesterol Treatment Trialists’ Collaboration. χ² tests are shown for eterogeneity between rate ratios for each outcome in the four trials (4D, ALERT, AURORA, and SHARP) in patients with chronic kidney disease. MI=myocardial infarction. LDL-C=LDL-cholesterol.

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