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SHARP trial Study of Heart and Renal Protection : a randomised placebo-controlled trial The e ff ects of lowering LDL cholesterol with simvastatin plus.

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1 SHARP trial Study of Heart and Renal Protection : a randomised placebo-controlled trial The e ff ects of lowering LDL cholesterol with simvastatin plus ezetimibe in patients with CKD Lancet June 9, 2011

2 To assess the safety and e ffi cacy of reducing LDL cholesterol in CKD Inclusion criteria 1)History of CKD……. pre-dialysis …..creatinine >1.7 mg/dl in men ; >1.5 mg/dl in women dialysis 2)Men or women aged >40 years 9270 patients with CKD (3023 on dialysis and 6247 not) with no known h/o MI or coronary revascularisation

3 Randomised to simvastatin 20 mg plus ezetimibe 10 mg daily(4650pts) versus matching placebo(4620 pts). The key prespecified outcome was first major atherosclerotic event (non-fatal MI or coronary death, non- haemorrhagic stroke, or any arterial revascularisation procedure). All analyses were by intention to treat.

4 Baseline characteristics were well balanced… Median duration of follow up….4.9 yrs Simvastatin plus ezetimibe grp….yielded an average LDL cholesterol di ff erence of 0·85 mmol/L and produced a 17% proportional reduction in major atherosclerotic events (526 [11·3%] simvastatin plus ezetimibe vs 619 [13·4%] placebo; p=0·0021). Significant redn in nonhgic stroke (131 vs 174…P 0.01), arterial revascularisation procedures(284 vs 352 ….P=0.0036) Nonfatal MI…Nonsignif reduction


6 Among the ‘not on dialysis’ grp (6247 pts)…. simvastatin plus ezetimibe …. No significant reductions in : o ESRD defined as commencement of maintenance dialysis or transplantation (1057 [33·9%] vs 1084 [34·6%]; p=0·41); o ESRD or death (1477 [47·4%] vs 1513 [48·3%]; p=0·34); o ESRD or doubling of baseline creatinine (1190 [38·2%] vs 1257 [40·2%]; p=0·09).

7 Conclusion…….lowering LDL with the combination of simvastatin plus ezetimibe safely reduces the risk of major atherosclerotic events in a wide range of patients with CKD.




11 MDRD equation

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