Room Design Georgia Donaldson, Adrien Leroux, Arsenije Gavric.

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Presentation on theme: "Room Design Georgia Donaldson, Adrien Leroux, Arsenije Gavric."— Presentation transcript:

1 Room Design Georgia Donaldson, Adrien Leroux, Arsenije Gavric

2 Objective Research accoustic architecture design for rooms and how it was incorporated into the CAMAS wing.

3 Doors ● Best type o exterior grade o solid-core wood (“slab”) o double doors o separate door jams o alternate door knobs and hinges o Rubber threshold below the door ●CAMAS Wing o far apart/ offset o Glass is two pieces o STC rated o Rubber threshold when closed o seals around door arc

4 CAMAS Ceiling ● Gypsum panels added for reflection ● sheetrock panels for diffusion ● Ducts lined with insulation to defuse sound ● Acoustical spray on the ceiling o dry fall is 2-1.5 in. thick ● 4 in. of insulation

5 Walls ● Typical STC: 35 o CAMAS walls: 65 o Media wall: 75 (another layer of sheetrock) ● double walls ● concrete to lose base ● CMU (concrete masonry union) for ensemble room o vibration isolation

6 Mechanical Equipment ● Isolation using wood pads ● VAV box (Variable Air Volume) o adjusts air coming in o adjusts temperature o adjust system noise

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