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UoL MSc Remote Sensing Dr Lewis

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1 UoL MSc Remote Sensing Dr Lewis
Radiative Transfer Theory at Optical wavelengths applied to vegetation canopies: part 1 UoL MSc Remote Sensing Dr Lewis

2 Aim of this section Introduce RT approach as basis to understanding optical and microwave vegetation response enable use of models enable access to literature

3 Scope of this section Introduction to background theory
RT theory Wave propagation and polarisation Useful tools for developing RT Building blocks of a canopy scattering model canopy architecture scattering properties of leaves soil properties

4 Associated practical and reading
Course notes for this lecture Reading list

5 Why build models? Assist data interpretation Study sensitivity
calculate RS signal as fn. of biophysical variables Study sensitivity to biophysical variables or system parameters Interpolation or Extrapolation fill the gaps / extend observations Inversion estimate biophysical parameters from RS aid experimental design plan experiments


7 Radiative Transfer Theory
Applicability heuristic treatment consider energy balance across elemental volume assume: no correlation between fields addition of power not fields no diffraction/interference in RT can be in scattering develop common (simple) case here

8 Radiative Transfer Theory
Case considered: horizontally infinite but vertically finite plane parallel medium (air) embedded with infinitessimal oriented scattering objects at low density canopy lies over soil surface (lower boundary) assume horizontal homogeneity applicable to many cases of vegetation

9 Building blocks for a canopy model
Require descriptions of: canopy architecture leaf scattering soil scattering

10 Canopy Architecture 1-D: Functions of depth from the top of the canopy (z).

11 Canopy Architecture 1-D: Functions of depth from the top of the canopy (z). 1. Vertical leaf area density (m2/m3) the leaf normal orientation distribution function (dimensionless). 3. leaf size distribution (m)

12 Canopy Architecture Leaf area / number density LAI
(one-sided) m2 leaf per m3 LAI

13 Canopy Architecture Leaf Angle Distribution

14 Leaf Angle Distribution
Archetype Distributions: · planophile  · erectophile  · spherical  · plagiophile  · extremophile 

15 Leaf Angle Distribution
Archetype Distributions:

16 Leaf Dimension RT theory: infinitessimal scatterers
without modifications (dealt with later) In optical, leaf size affects canopy scattering in retroreflection direction ‘roughness’ term: ratio of leaf linear dimension to canopy height also, leaf thickness effects on reflectance /transmittance

17 Canopy element and soil spectral properties
Scattering properties of leaves scattering affected by: Leaf surface properties and internal structure; leaf biochemistry; leaf size (essentially thickness, for a given LAI).

18 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf surface properties and internal structure optical Specular from surface Smooth (waxy) surface - strong peak hairs, spines - more diffused

19 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf surface properties and internal structure optical Diffused from scattering at internal air-cell wall interfaces Depends on refractive index: varies: nm Depends on total area of cell wall interfaces

20 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf surface properties and internal structure optical More complex structure (or thickness): - more scattering - lower transmittance - more diffuse

21 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf biochemstry

22 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf biochemstry

23 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf biochemstry

24 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf biochemstry

25 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf water

26 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf biochemstry pigments: chlorophyll a and b, a-carotene, and xanthophyll absorb in blue (& red for chlorophyll) absorbed radiation converted into: heat energy, flourescence or carbohydrates through photosynthesis

27 Scattering properties of leaves
Leaf biochemstry Leaf water is major consituent of leaf fresh weight, around 66% averaged over a large number of leaf types other constituents ‘dry matter’ cellulose, lignin, protein, starch and minerals Absorptance constituents increases with concentration reducing leaf reflectance and transmittance at these wavelengths.

28 Scattering properties of leaves
Optical Models flowering plants: PROSPECT

29 Scattering properties of leaves
Optical Models flowering plants: PROSPECT

30 Scattering properties of leaves
leaf dimensions optical increase leaf area for constant number of leaves increase LAI increase leaf thickness - decrease transmittance (increase reflectance)

31 Scattering properties of soils
Optical and microwave affected by: soil moisture content soil type/texture soil surface roughness.

32 soil moisture content Optical
effect essentially proportional across all wavelengths enhanced in water absorption bands

33 soil texture/type Optical
relatively little variation in spectral properties Price (1985): PCA on large soil database 99.6% of variation in 4 PCs Stoner & Baumgardner (1982) defined 5 main soil types: organic dominated minimally altered iron affected iron dominated

34 Soil roughness effects
Simple models: as only a boundary condition, can sometimes use simple models e.g. Lambertian e.g. trigonometric (Walthall et al., 1985)

35 Soil roughness effects
Rough roughness: optical surface scattering clods, rough ploughing use Geometric Optics model (Cierniewski) projections/shadowing from protrusions

36 Soil roughness effects
Rough roughness: optical surface scattering Note backscatter reflectance peak (‘hotspot’) minimal shadowing backscatter peak width increases with increasing roughness

37 Soil roughness effects
Rough roughness: volumetric scattering consider scattering from ‘body’ of soil particulate medium use RT theory (Hapke - optical) modified for surface effects (at different scales of roughness)

38 Summary Introduction Canopy model building blocks
Examined rationale for modelling discussion of RT theory Scattering from leaves Canopy model building blocks canopy architecture: area/number, angle, size leaf scattering: spectral & structural soil scattering: roughness, type, water

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