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Digital Rutland Broadband Update Helen Briggs 30 th March 2015.

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Presentation on theme: "Digital Rutland Broadband Update Helen Briggs 30 th March 2015."— Presentation transcript:

1 Digital Rutland Broadband Update Helen Briggs 30 th March 2015

2 Current Broadband Position 95% (9,416/9,908) of premises in the original Digital Rutland Intervention Area have been enabled with fibre broadband. 86% (8,551/9,908) of these can obtain speeds in excess of 24Mbps. Barrow, Glaston, Teigh, Thistleton and Whitwell enabled in summer 2014. Awaiting modelling results for next areas which will include timescales, costs and solutions. Outputs expected in coming months.

3 Additional Funding to capture remaining areas Additional £180,000 Government funding. Scheme intended to address yet to be delivered and previously excluded commercial areas. Digital Rutland and SEP/Phase 2 aims to deliver speeds over 24Mbps to at least 95% of County.

4 Open Market Review (OMR) and Public Consultation (PC) September 2014 – RCC ran OMR to identify commercial operators current and future broadband provision. January 2015 – PC consultation confirmed current and future service provision. February 2015 – Intervention Area refined which includes some handed back commercial areas. Rutland handed back commercial areas map


6 State aid and redefined Intervention Area Rutland redefined Superfast and Basic Broadband maps created Superfast/NGA map includes circa 1,800 remaining white premises across 235 postcodesSuperfast/NGA Basic map includes circa 450 remaining white premises across 76 postcodesBasic



9 Remaining Premises Remaining areas including small clusters and isolated premises to be identified and assessed over coming months. Areas will be reviewed as to how/what services can be delivered. Technology improvements to capture the extremely difficult areas to ensure residents and businesses can obtain minimum speed of 2Mbps. BDUK operating a pilot scheme to understand alternative technologies such as wireless and how they can be utilised.

10 Remaining Premises Remaining areas including small clusters and isolated premises to be identified and assessed over coming months. Areas will be reviewed as to how/what services can be delivered. Technology improvements to capture the extremely difficult areas to ensure residents and businesses can obtain minimum speed of 2Mbps. BDUK operating a pilot scheme to understand alternative technologies such as wireless and how they can be utilised.

11 Summary Thank you for your time Questions?

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