What you will learn: How to construct and interpret various maps to explore how trade and travel spread new ideas and knowledge across Western Europe The.

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Presentation on theme: "What you will learn: How to construct and interpret various maps to explore how trade and travel spread new ideas and knowledge across Western Europe The."— Presentation transcript:

1 What you will learn: How to construct and interpret various maps to explore how trade and travel spread new ideas and knowledge across Western Europe The factors that began to change the worldview of people in Europe during the Middle Ages What were the factors that shaped the Renaissance worldview?

2 How did other civilizations set the stage for the Renaissance in Europe?How did the Renaissance begin? How did the social structure during the Middle Ages reflect the worldview of the time? How might the Black Death have changed the way people viewed the world? How did the growth of cities contribute to a changing worldview?How did the city-state of Florence reflect the Renaissance worldview?How did Venice contribute to the Italian Renaissance?How did Genoa help shape the Renaissance worldview?

3 In order to make notes for this section (pages 16-24), use the organizer: ‘Worldviews Are Shaped by These Factors’. Use it organize your ideas about the worldview of people in the Middle Ages. How did other civilizations set the stage for the Renaissance in Europe?How did the Renaissance begin? How did the social structure during the Middle Ages reflect the worldview of the time?

4 Pages 16-24 Use these questions to help you fill in your circles:  How did the geography of western Europe affect the worldview of people in the Middle Ages?  How did the people have contact with other groups because of the Silk Road and the Crusades?  What ideas did people have about their place in the world? How were Islam, Judaism, and Christianity similar and different? How did the feudal system reflect their worldview?  How did mathematical knowledge spread to Europe from the Arabic world? What other knowledge spread to Europe from other places along the Silk Road?

5 Map Skills & Chapter Review Working in groups.. Read The Silk Road, page 16-17. Estimate the distance of the Silk Road using the scale presented in the map. Using the globe, about how much of the Earth is circumnavigated — more or less than half? What modern day countries do the routes of the Silk Road pass through? Using our atlases, what geographical challenges would traders have faced as they traveled along the Silk Road?

6 Map Skills & Chapter Review  In groups answer the Reflect & Respond questions, #1 & #2 on page 18. Look at the map on page 20. How is this historical map is different from our maps today? What does it tell us about the worldview of the people at that time?

7 Map Skills & Chapter Review If you were a knight of the round table with King Arthur in Britain, what route would you take during a crusade to the Holy Land? What challenges would you face?  Answer #4 of the Reflect & Respond on page 21.

8 Social Structure Review Page 23-24. What are the elements of feudalism and the hierarchical class structure? How was the power structure was clearly defined? Are there social class distinctions in Canada?

9 Image Skills & Chapter Review Examine the illustration and caption on page 24. What do these images tell you about the lives of nobles and peasants?  Answer the Reflect & Respond, page 24, #1, with a partner.

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