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WORKFORCE REMODELLING Lincolnshire Assessment and Reablement Service.

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Presentation on theme: "WORKFORCE REMODELLING Lincolnshire Assessment and Reablement Service."— Presentation transcript:

1 WORKFORCE REMODELLING Lincolnshire Assessment and Reablement Service

2 Universal service Prevention Reablement Maintenance Community GP Library Leisure Shopping Hospital Transport Telecare Customer Service Centre Information, Advice & Guidance First Contact Good life Guide Health Advice First Contact Volunteers Housing Related Support Smartcare In your own home In a care home SmartcareTelecare Sign postingHelp & Support Assessment Living Your Life Support Plan Sign off – Getting your plan agreed Assessment – how much money Brokerage – Organising Your Support Support Plan – Your Plan Review – Seeing how it worked OT/Physio Nurse

3 Putting Our People First – Workforce Development Priorities T otal Workforce – Integrated Local Area Workforce Strategy & Plan R e-Modelling - joint working and new integrated roles A ccessible & flexible learning solutions N ational standards, competencies & frameworks S takeholder consultation, feedback and support F inancially viable and sustainable programmes O utcome focussed learning and development R egulation, Risk Management and Safeguarding M arket development and management– commissioning and contracting for quality

4 WORKFORCE PLANNING Assessment of Current Position – Profile of Home Care Workforce * Source National Minimum Data Set. Majority of workforce is external Greater diversity profile in Independent Sector (Gender, Disability, Age, Ethnicity) Higher NVQ qualification rates in LCC Turnover higher in Independent Sector

5 Challenges and Solutions O – PRODUCTION (Joint learning and development LCC and PVI sector, consultation with managers & staff, PWUS EALTHCARE TASKS (Joint Workforce Planning with Health) NXIETY (Leadership, change management, communication)) ATIONAL STANDARDS & ACCREDITATION (QCF, CQC NVQ Competencies, HSA Person – Centred Tools) ATHERING EVIDENCE OF OUTCOMES (Evaluation beyond learning experience, Learning Logs) COMONIC CLIMATE (Potential for efficiency savings, sustainable learning solutions) C H N A G E C H A N G E

6 TRAINING NEEDS ANALYSIS KNOWLEDGE: Person - Centred Reablement Tools, Long Term Conditions. SKILLS: Task Analysis Sequencing, Maximising independence and confidence, personal care, social care and health care, Self Directed Support, working with carers. APPROACHES: Person – Centred. Workforce Development and planning informed through National Occupational Standards and reflecting Common Core Principles for Self Care.

7 Learning and Development Strategy & Plan PHASE 1 (Person - Centred Approaches for Reablement) Accredited Train the Trainer Programme. 1 day ~ Trainer Mentoring / Preparation / Case Studies 1 day Training led by HSA (Trainers to observe) 1 days co –training, 1 day solo delivery assessed & accredited. PHASE 2 (Person - Centred Approaches) Managers 1 day Person - Centred Thinking Training For Managers. Evaluation of learning outcomes including, impact on practice outcomes, consultation on design of further frontline workers training / tools, identification of further learning needs. PHASE 3 (Reablement Competencies Strand) HSC344: Support individuals to retain, regain and develop the skills to manage their lives and environment and…….. Units to reflect skills mix required to meet Health & Well-being outcomes for People Who Use Services / Carers as per CQC Regulations and Outcomes

8 LEARNING IN ACTION The journey so far….. Establish shared objectives & outcomes for learning Flexibility within a consistent approach to achievement Motivation and morale increased by positive learning experiences and achieving outcomes Dialogue and communication reduces anxiety and/or resistance to learning / change Practical Tools and information are essential Systems / processes changes needed Skills development requires competency framework to enable performance monitoring / appraisal and CPD Leadership is essential to embedding culture change Reablement as part of the pathway - links with Universal Services, Prevention Strategy, Intermediate and Health Care pathways

9 Universal service Prevention Reablement Maintenance Community GP Library Leisure Shopping Hospital Transport Telecare Customer Service Centre Information, Advice & Guidance First Contact Good life Guide Health Advice First Contact Volunteers Housing Related Support Smartcare In your own home In a care home SmartcareTelecare Sign postingHelp & Support Assessment Living Your Life Support Plan Sign off – Getting your plan agreed Assessment – how much money Brokerage – Organising Your Support Support Plan – Your Plan Review – Seeing how it worked OT/Physio Nurse

10 PERSONALISATION Improved Outcomes for people who use services achieved through a workforce with the Capacity, Commitment and Competence to: Ensure people have choice and control over their lives by providing: accessible information and advice support tailored to individual requirements support closer to home at the right time Therefore enabling them and their supporters to maintain or improve their wellbeing and independence rather than relying on intervention at the point of crisis.

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