Digital System Ch4-1 Chapter 4 Combinational Logic Ping-Liang Lai ( 賴秉樑 ) Digital System 數位系統.

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1 Digital System Ch4-1 Chapter 4 Combinational Logic Ping-Liang Lai ( 賴秉樑 ) Digital System 數位系統

2 Digital System Ch4-2 Outline of Chapter 4 4.1Introduction 4.2Combination Circuits 4.3Analysis Procedure 4.4Design Procedure 4.5Binary Adder-Subtractor 4.6Decimal Adder 4.7Binary Multiplier 4.8Magnitude Comparator 4.9Decoders 4.10Encoders 4.11Multiplexers 4.12HDL Models of Combination Circuits

3 Digital System Ch4-3 4.1Introduction (p.138) Logic circuits for digital systems may be combinational or sequential. A combinational circuit consists of logic gates whose outputs at any time are determined from only the present combination of inputs.

4 Digital System Ch4-4 4.2Combinational Circuits (p.138) Logic circuits for digital system  Sequential circuits » Contain memory elements. » The outputs are a function of the current inputs and the state of the memory elements. » The outputs also depend on past inputs.

5 Digital System Ch4-5 Combinational Circuits (p.139) A combinational circuits  2 n possible combinations of input values  Specific functions » Adders, subtractors, comparators, decoders, encoders, and multiplexers. » MSI circuits or standard cells. Combinational Logic Circuit n input variables m output variables ….. Figure 4.1 Block diagram of combinational circuit

6 Digital System Ch4-6 4-3Analysis Procedure (p.139) A combinational circuit  Make sure that it is combinational not sequential » No feedback path.  Derive its Boolean functions (truth table)  Design verification  A verbal explanation of its function

7 Digital System Ch4-7 A Straight-forward Procedure (p.140) F 2 = AB+AC+BC T 1 = A+B+C T 2 = ABC T 3 = F 2 'T 1 F 1 = T 3 +T 2 Figure 4.2 Logic Diagram for Analysis Example

8 Digital System Ch4-8 F 1 = T 3 +T 2 = F 2 'T 1 +ABC = (AB + AC + BC)'(A + B + C) + ABC = (A' + B')(A' + C')(B' + C')(A + B + C) + ABC = (A' + B'C') (AB' + AC' + BC' + B'C) + ABC = A'BC' + A'B'C + AB'C' + ABC A full-adder  F 1 : the sum  F 2 : the carry

9 Digital System Ch4-9 The Full-adder The truth table

10 Digital System Ch4-10 4-4Design Procedure (p.142) The design procedure of combinational circuits  State the problem (system spec.)  Determine the inputs and outputs  The input and output variables are assigned symbols  Derive the truth table  Derive the simplified Boolean functions  Draw the logic diagram and verify the correctness

11 Digital System Ch4-11 Design Procedure Functional description  Boolean function  HDL (Hardware description language) » Verilog HDL » VHDL  Schematic entry Logic minimization  Number of gates  Number of inputs to a gate  Propagation delay  Number of interconnection  Limitations of the driving capabilities

12 Digital System Ch4-12 Code Conversion Example (p.143) BCD to excess-3 code  The truth table

13 Digital System Ch4-13 The Maps (p.144) Figure 4.3 Maps for BCE to Excess-3 Code Converter

14 Digital System Ch4-14 (p.145) The simplified functions  z = D'  y = CD +C'D'  x = B'C + B'D+BC'D'  w = A+BC+BD Another implementation  z = D'  y = CD +C'D' = CD + (C+D)'  x = B'C + B'D+BC'D' = B'(C+D) +B(C+D)'  w = A+BC+BD

15 Digital System Ch4-15 BCD to Excess-3 The logic diagram Fig. 4-4 Logic Diagram for BCD to Excess-3 Code Converter z = D' y = CD +C'D' = CD + (C+D)' x = B'C + B'D+BC'D' = B'(C+D) +B(C+D) ‘ w = A+BC+BD

16 Digital System Ch4-16 4-5Binary Adder-Subtractor (p.146) Half adder  0 + 0 = 0 ; 0 + 1 = 1 ; 1 + 0 = 1 ; 1 + 1 = 10  Two input variables: x, y  Two output variables: C (carry), S (sum)  Truth table

17 Digital System Ch4-17 Half Adder  S = x'y+xy'  C = xy The flexibility for implementation  S = x  y  S = (x+y)(x'+y')  S' = xy+x'y'  S = (C+x'y')'  C = xy = (x'+y')'

18 Digital System Ch4-18 Figure 4.5 Implementation of Half-Adder

19 Digital System Ch4-19 Full-Adder (p.147) Full-Adder  The arithmetic sum of three input bits.  Three input bits » x, y: two significant bits. » z: the carry bit from the previous lower significant bit.  Two output bits: C, S

20 Digital System Ch4-20 Fig. 4-7 Implementation of Full Adder in Sum of Products Fig. 4-6 Map for Full Adder Full-Adder S C

21 Digital System Ch4-21 Full-Adder  S = x'y'z+x'yz'+ xy'z'+xyz  C = xy+xz+yz  S = z  (x  y) = z'(xy'+x'y)+z(xy'+x'y)'= z'xy'+z'x'y+z((x'+y)(x+y')) = xy'z'+x'yz'+xyz+x'y'z  C = z(xy'+x'y)+xy = xy'z+x'yz+ xy Fig. 4-8 Implementation of Full Adder with Two Half Adders and an OR Gate

22 Digital System Ch4-22 Binary Adder (p.149) Figure 4.9 Full-bit adder

23 Digital System Ch4-23 Carry propagation  When the correct outputs are available  The critical path counts (the worst case)  (A 1, B 1, C 1 ) → C 2 → C 3 → C 4 → (C 5, S 4 )  When 4-bits full-adder → 8 gate levels (n-bits: 2n gate levels) Figure 4.10 Full Adder with P and G Shown

24 Digital System Ch4-24 Parallel Adders Reduce the carry propagation delay  Employ faster gates  Look-ahead carry (more complex mechanism, yet faster)  Carry propagate: P i = A i  B i  Carry generate: G i = A i B i  Sum: S i = P i  C i  Carry: C i+1 = G i +P i C i  C 0 = Input carry  C 1 = G 0 +P 0 C 0  C 2 = G 1 +P 1 C 1 = G 1 +P 1 (G 0 +P 0 C 0 ) = G 1 +P 1 G 0 +P 1 P 0 C 0  C 3 = G 2 +P 2 C 2 = G 2 +P 2 G 1 +P 2 P 1 G 0 + P 2 P 1 P 0 C 0

25 Digital System Ch4-25 Carry Look-ahead Adder (1/2) Logic diagram Fig. 4.11 Logic Diagram of Carry Look-ahead Generator

26 Digital System Ch4-26 Carry Look-ahead Adder (2/2) 4-bit carry-look ahead adder  Propagation delay of C 3, C 2 and C 1 are equal. Fig. 4.12 4-Bit Adder with Carry Look-ahead

27 Digital System Ch4-27 Binary Subtractor A - B = A+(2’s complement of B) 4-bit Adder-subtractor  M=0, A+B; M=1, A+(B ’ +1) Fig. 4.13 4-Bit Adder Subtractor

28 Digital System Ch4-28 Overflow  The storage is limited  Add two positive numbers and obtain a negative number  Add two negative numbers and obtain a positive number  V = 0, no overflow; V = 1, overflow Example:

29 Digital System Ch4-29 4-6Decimal Adder Add two BCD's  9 inputs: two BCD's and one carry-in  5 outputs: one BCD and one carry-out Design approaches  A truth table with 2 9 entries  Use binary full Adders » The maximum sum ← 9 + 9 + 1 = 19 » Binary to BCD

30 Digital System Ch4-30 BCD Adder (1/3) BCD Adder: The truth table

31 Digital System Ch4-31 BCD Adder (2/3) Modifications are needed if the sum > 9  If C = 1, then sum > 9 » K = 1, or » Z 8 Z 4 = 1 (11××), or » Z 8 Z 2 = 1 (1×1×).  Modification:  (10) d or + 6 C = K +Z 8 Z 4 + Z 8 Z 2

32 Digital System Ch4-32 BCD Adder (3/3) Block diagram Fig. 4-14 Block Diagram of a BCD Adder

33 Digital System Ch4-33 Binary Multiplier (1/2) Partial products  AND operations Fig. 4.15 Two-bit by two-bit binary multiplier

34 Digital System Ch4-34 Binary Multiplier (2/2) 4-bit by 3-bit binary multiplier Fig. 4.16 Four-bit by three-bit binary multiplier

35 Digital System Ch4-35 4-8Magnitude Comparator The comparison of two numbers  Outputs: A>B, A=B, A<B Design Approaches  The truth table of 2n-bit comparator » 2 2n entries - too cumbersome for large n  Use inherent regularity of the problem » Reduce design efforts » Reduce human errors

36 Digital System Ch4-36 Algorithm → logic  A = A 3 A 2 A 1 A 0 ; B = B 3 B 2 B 1 B 0  A=B if A 3 =B 3, A 2 =B 2, A 1 =B 1 and A 1 =B 1 » Equality: x i = A i B i +A i 'B i ' » (A=B) = x 3 x 2 x 1 x 0 =1  (A>B) = A 3 B 3 '+x 3 A 2 B 2 '+x 3 x 2 A 1 B 1 '+x 3 x 2 x 1 A 0 B 0 '  (A<B) = A 3 'B 3 +x 3 A 2 'B 2 +x 3 x 2 A 1 'B 1 +x 3 x 2 x 1 A 0 'B 0 Implementation  x i = (A i B i '+A i 'B i )'

37 Digital System Ch4-37 Fig. 4.17Four-bit magnitude comparator.

38 Digital System Ch4-38 4-9Decoder A n-to-m decoder  A binary code of n bits = 2 n distinct information  N input variables; up to 2 n output lines  Only one output can be active (high) at any time

39 Digital System Ch4-39 An implementation Fig. 4.18 Three-to-eight-line decoder

40 Digital System Ch4-40 Combinational logic implementation  Each output = a minterm.  Use a decoder and an external OR gate to implement any Boolean function of n input variables.

41 Digital System Ch4-41 Demultiplexers  A decoder with an enable input.  Receive information on a single line and transmits it on one of 2 n possible output lines. Fig. 4.19 Two-to-four-line decoder with enable input

42 Digital System Ch4-42 Decoder/demultiplexers 第三版內容,參考用 !

43 Digital System Ch4-43 Expansion  Two 3-to-8 decoder: a 4-to-16 decoder Fig. 4.20 4  16 decoder constructed with two 3  8 decoders

44 Digital System Ch4-44 Combination Logic Implementation  Each output = a minterm  Use a decoder and an external OR gate to implement any Boolean function of n input variables  A full-adder » S(x, y, z) =  (1,2,4,7) » C(x, y, z) =  (3,5,6,7) Fig. 4.21 Implementation of a full adder with a decoder

45 Digital System Ch4-45  Two possible approaches using decoder » OR(minterms of F): k inputs (k minterms) » NOR(minterms of F'): 2 n  k inputs  In general, it is not a practical implementation

46 Digital System Ch4-46 4-10 Encoders The inverse function of a decoder The encoder can be implemented with three OR gates.

47 Digital System Ch4-47 An implementation  Limitations » Illegal input: e.g. D 3 =D 6 =1 » The output = 111 (¹3 and ¹6) 第三版內容,參考用 !

48 Digital System Ch4-48 Priority Encoder  Resolve the ambiguity of illegal inputs  Only one of the input is encoded  D 3 has the highest priority  D 0 has the lowest priority  X: don't-care conditions  V: valid output indicator

49 Digital System Ch4-49 The maps for simplifying outputs x and y Fig. 4.22 Maps for a priority encoder

50 Digital System Ch4-50 Implementation of priority Fig. 4.23 Four-input priority encoder

51 Digital System Ch4-51 4-11Multiplexers  Select binary information from one of many input lines and direct it to a single output line  2 n input lines, n selection lines and one output line  e.g.: 2-to-1-line multiplexer Fig. 4.24 Two-to-one-line multiplexer

52 Digital System Ch4-52  4-to-1 line multiplexer Fig. 4.25 Four-to-one-line multiplexer

53 Digital System Ch4-53 Note: 2 n -to-1 multiplexer  n-to- 2 n decoder  Add the 2 n input lines to each AND gate  OR (all AND gates)  n selection lines  An enable input (an option)

54 Digital System Ch4-54 Fig. 4.26 Quadruple two-to-one-line multiplexer

55 Digital System Ch4-55 Boolean Function Implementation  MUX: a decoder + an OR gate  2 n -to-1 MUX can implement any Boolean function of n input variable  A better solution: implement any Boolean function of n+1 input variable » n of these variables: the selection lines » The remaining variable: the inputs

56 Digital System Ch4-56 An example: F(A, B, C) =  (1, 2, 6, 7) Fig. 4.27 Implementing a Boolean function with a multiplexer

57 Digital System Ch4-57 Procedure:  Assign an ordering sequence of the input variable  The rightmost variable (D) will be used for the input lines  Assign the remaining n-1 variables to the selection lines w.r.t. their corresponding sequence  Construct the truth table  Consider a pair of consecutive minterms starting from m 0  Determine the input lines

58 Digital System Ch4-58 Example: F(A, B, C, D) =  (1, 3, 4, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15) Fig. 4.28 Implementing a four-input function with a multiplexer

59 Digital System Ch4-59 Three-state Gates  A multiplexer can be constructed with three-state gates  Output state: 0, 1, and high-impedance (open ckts) Fig. 4.29 Graphic symbol for a three-state buffer

60 Digital System Ch4-60 Example: Four-to-one-line multiplexer Fig. 4.30 Multiplexer with three-state gates

61 Digital System Ch4-61 4-12HDL Models of Combinational Circuits Modeling Styles  Gate-level modeling using instantiations of predefined and user-defined primitive gates.  Dataflow modeling using continuous assignment statements with the keyword assign.  Behavioral modeling using procedural assignment statements with the keyword always.

62 Digital System Ch4-62 Gate-level Modeling The four-valued logic truth tables for the and, or, xor, and not primitives

63 Digital System Ch4-63 Gate-level Modeling Example: The first statement declares an output vector D with four bits, 0 through 3. The second declares a wire vector SUM with eight bits numbered 7 through 0. output [0: 3] D; wire [7: 0] SUM;

64 Digital System Ch4-64 HDL Example 4-1 Two-to-one-line decoder

65 Digital System Ch4-65 HDL Example 4-2 Four-bit adder: bottom-up hierarchical description

66 Digital System Ch4-66 HDL Example 4-2 ( continued )

67 Digital System Ch4-67 Three-State Gates Statement: gate name (output, input, control); Fig. 4.31 Three-state gates

68 Digital System Ch4-68 Three-State Gates Examples of gate instantiation

69 Fig. 4.32 Two-to-one-line multiplexer with three-state buffers

70 Digital System Ch4-70 Dataflow Modeling Verilog HDL operators Example: assign Y = (A & S) | (B & ~S)

71 Digital System Ch4-71 HDL Example 4.3 Dataflow description of a 2-to-4-line decoder

72 Digital System Ch4-72 HDL Example 4-4 Dataflow description of 4-bit adder

73 Digital System Ch4-73 HDL Example 4-5 Dataflow description of 4-bit magnitude comparator

74 Digital System Ch4-74 HDL Example 4-6 Dataflow description of a 2-to-1-line multiplexer Conditional operator (?:) Condition ? True-expression : false-expression Example: continuous assignment assign OUT = select ? A : B

75 Digital System Ch4-75 if statement:  if (select) OUT = A; HDL Example 4-7  Behavioral description of a 2-to-1-line multiplexer

76 Digital System Ch4-76 HDL Example 4-8 Behavioral description of a 4-to-1-line multiplexer

77 Digital System Ch4-77 Writing a Simple Test Bench Initial block Three-bit truth table

78 Digital System Ch4-78 Writing a Simple Test Bench Interaction between stimulus and design modules

79 Digital System Ch4-79 Writing a Simple Test Bench Stimulus module System tasks for display

80 Digital System Ch4-80 Syntax for $dispaly, $write, and $monitor: Example:

81 Digital System Ch4-81 HDL Example 4-9 Stimulus module

82 Digital System Ch4-82 HDL Example 4-9 (Continued)

83 Digital System Ch4-83 HDL Example 4-10 Gate-level description of a full adder

84 Digital System Ch4-84 HDL Example 4-10 (Continued)

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