Would You Strike. 1. What was the problem in 1890? 9% of Americans held 75% of the wealth.

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1 Would You Strike

2 1. What was the problem in 1890? 9% of Americans held 75% of the wealth

3 2. What did some poor people suggest the answer was? Socialism: favors public rather than private control of property and income

4 3. Why were most Americans SO opposed to this idea? Wealthy saw it as a threat to their fortunes; politicians saw it as a threat to public order; threatened American ideals

5 4. How did workers address their concerns to owners? They united to form labor unions

6 5. What were their concerns?  Shorter workdays  Higher wages  Better working conditions

7 6. Name three national unions in the late 19 th century.  Knights of Labor  American Federation of Labor  Industrial Workers of the World

8 7. Who did the Knights of Labor unionize and what were they yelling about? Members Included: working men and women, skilled and unskilled including African Americans Goals: 1. equal pay for equal work 2. 8 hour work day 2. 8 hour work day 3. end of child labor 3. end of child labor Tactics: political activity and education; tried not to use the strike but did use it to force RR owner Jay Gould to give up wage cut

9 8. Who did the American Federation of Labor unionize and what were they yelling about? Members included: Skilled workers So what type of union were they: craft union Who was excluded from the union: African American and women Goals: 1. workers’ wage 2. better hours 2. better hours 3. better working conditions 3. better working conditions Tactics: Economic pressure- strikes, boycotts; tried to force employers into collective bargaining; closed shops

10 9. Who did the wobblies unionize and what were they yelling about? Official Name: Industrial Workers of the World Members included: Unskilled workers So what type of union were they: radical union Philosophy: socialistic Tactics: strikes- became violent

11 10. What did employers have to say about all of this?  Forbid union meetings  Fired union organizers  Forced new employee to sign “yellow dog” contract  Refused to bargain collectively when strikes occurred  Refused to recognize union as their workers’ legitimate representatives

12 11. What prompted the Railroad Strike of 1877?  Steep cut in wages during depression  Unsafe working conditions  Increased likelihood of layoffs  Employers relied on federal and state troops

13 12. Who was Eugene V. Debs? What did he create? What was it a result of?  Debs- a leader in a “brotherhood” (craft union)  Created an industrial union for all Railway workers that was a result of violent 1877 strike  Industrial unions organize workers from all crafts in an industry

14 13. What led to the Haymarket Riot? What was the end result?  May 1,1886- demonstrated for 8 hr. workday  May 3- police break up fight beat strikers and scabs- many wounded  Union leaders call for protest rally; Anarchists joined strikers  Anarchist encourage resentment felt by strikers-work up fervor  Riot starts after police officer killed by a bomb

15 14. What led to the Homestead Strike? What was the end result?  H. Frick tried to cut wages at Carnegie Steel  Frick calls in Pinkertons  Pinkertons shot at workers, several killed and wounded

16 15. What were the benefits and drawbacks of Pullman’s town?  Benefits:  Clean  Safe  Comfortable to live in  Drawbacks:  Strict rules of behavior  Uncharitable behavior of Pullman during panic of 1893

17 16. What led to the Pullman Strike? What did the strikers do? What was the end result?  1893 Pullman laid of workers and cut wages but kept prices high  Fired union leaders who protested  Union goes on strike  No bargaining for Pullman- Close shop  American RR Union boycotts all Pullman cars  Western RR traffic and mail delivery disrupted  RR turns to federal government- illegal trust formed stopping mail  Attorney General wins in court-forbids strikes that would interrupt rail traffic  President Cleveland- sent troops  Set precedent- all owners/employers can seek court order to stop union activity

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