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Chapter 13 Section 4 The Great Strikes.

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1 Chapter 13 Section 4 The Great Strikes

2 Gulf between rich and poor
% of Americans held 75% of national wealth Many resented extravagant lifestyles of the very rich Many drawn to socialism

3 Socialism Favors public (government) control of the means of production Believed society, not individuals, should take charge of the nation’s wealth Equal distribution of wealth

4 Socialism Most American opposed Socialism
Goes against free enterprise, private property, and individual liberty

5 Rise of Labor Unions Emerged after the Civil War to help members through bad times Soon became the means for expressing workers’ demands to employers Shorter work days, higher wages, better working conditions

6 Knights of Labor Formed in 1869
Organized all working men and women, skilled and unskilled, into a single union Also recruited African Americans Sought equal pay for equal work, 8 hour work day, & end to child labor

7 Knights of Labor Membership eventually dropped when a series of strikes turned violent Gone by 1890s

8 American Federation of Labor
Formed in 1886 Led by Samuel Gompers Craft Union (only for skilled workers) Women and African Americans rarely recruited Focused mainly on wages, hours, and working conditions

9 AFL Tactics Strikes Boycotts
Collective bargaining- workers negotiate as a group with employers Has more power than a single worker acting alone

10 The Wobblies Many opposed the AFL
Broke away and formed the Industrial Workers of the World (IWW) or the Wobblies Focused on unskilled workers Radical group-included many socialists Many of their strikes turned violent

11 Reaction of Employers Forbade union meetings Fired union organizers
Forced new workers to promise not to join unions Refused to bargain collectively Refused to recognize unions as the representatives of their workers

12 Great Railroad Strike of 1877
July 1877 Baltimore & Ohio RR cut wages by 10% Some workers went on strike and tried to prevent others from working Turned violent Riots broke out and spread to several cities

13 Great Railroad Strike of 1877
President Hayes had to send in federal troops to restore order Violence continued between rioters and troops

14 Debs and the American Railway Union
Debs thought the violence of the 1877 strike was the result of disorganization Proposed creating an industrial union to unite all railroad workers, skilled and unskilled Soon created the American Railway Union

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