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1 Needs-Based ™ Teaching & Learning LearningSuccess ™ Institute Level 1 Coach Training.

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2 1 Needs-Based ™ Teaching & Learning LearningSuccess ™ Institute Level 1 Coach Training

3 2 #1 Need: Safety 1. Physical Safety - I won’t be physically hurt 2. Emotional Safety - no one will laugh, scold, punish or be upset if I don’t get this 3. Learning Safety - mistakes are okay I can try things out

4 3 Safety Creates Trust Needs-Based ™ Teaching & Learning draws upon 60 years of research in education & psychology to ensure the necessary Emotional & Educational Safety so ALL kids can learn

5 4 LearningSuccess ™ Model Needs-Based ™ Curriculum / Lessons Needs-Based ™ Communication Needs-Based ™ Setting & Techniques

6 5 Belonging & Acceptance Emotional Safety Fun Power Respect Competence Choice Autonomy Self-determination TM

7 6 LearningSuccess ™ Laws Learning doesn’t have to hurt! Success leads to more success! Coaching brings out the STAR!

8 7 Instruction begins... when you, the teacher, learn from the learner, put yourself in his / her place so that you may understand what s/he learns & the way s/he understands it... — Kierkegaard

9 8 You don’t get it?! In just 2 minutes we can separate: the “top,” “middle,” & “low” groups the “good” behavior students from the “bad” behavior students...

10 9

11 10 You don’t get it? If you don’t get it... Will threats work? Will bribes work? Does that mean you’re not motivated?

12 11 Why don’t you get it? Some people were able to do one of the exercises but not both. Some people couldn’t do either one! Do any of these people have a learning disability?

13 12

14 13 The learning majority... Are Inventing or Thinking / Creating Are Tactile, Hands-On, Picture Learners Yet most teaching is geared for listening & print learners.

15 14 Learning Disabilities? Hands-On & Picture Learners are considered “special needs”... Do Hands-On & Picture Learners have learning problems? Are Hands-On & Picture Learners inferior learners?

16 15 What about IQ? Scientists discovered if you get a big enough sample, anything you measure in nature makes a graph shaped like a bell. Educators decided it must be possible to measure intelligence & get the same results. So they made up a test based on their definition of intelligence... & that’s how the famous bell curve began!

17 16 The Bell Curve...

18 17 What’s wrong with the bell curve? It’s used to label people: from very smart to below average & slow. It makes assumptions about intelligence based on a very narrow definition of intelligence. It ALWAYS leaves many children left behind!

19 18 Hands-On Learners... are considered below average in intelligence because of how they score on IQ tests... make up 50-60% of the population = average! (80% when combined with Picture Learners) are potentially our most brilliant people: mechanics, engineers, builders, architects, artists, musicians, scientists, inventors, entrepreneurs, discoverers, craft artisans...

20 19 Hands-On Learners... If Hands-On & Picture Learners are our “average” learners... & make up the majority of our learners... & we taught to these learners... they would get the A’s!

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22 21 LD = Learning Deceived Different does not mean inferior. We need to stop labeling & start looking at how each student learns & thinks. Go beyond “no child left behind” to EVERY CHILD SHINES! LearningSuccess ™ Approach

23 22 LearningSuccess ™ Tools The 4 Essential Coaching Skills 5x5-Friendly™ Instruction 4-Period Lesson™ Planning Responsive Interaction™ Personal Best™ A & A (Attitudes & Actions) These meet the full spectrum of learning needs!

24 23 The RESULT... LearningSuccess ™ Every Time & On Purpose! & On Purpose!

25 24 #1 Need: Safety Needs-Based Teaching & Learning draws upon decades of research in organization development to ensure System Wide Emotional & Educational Safety for all stakeholders so that teachers, administrators, parents, and staff can Contribute to maximizing learning success.

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