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名詞 普通名詞:book, girl, animal… 集合名詞:family, class, committee…

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Presentation on theme: "名詞 普通名詞:book, girl, animal… 集合名詞:family, class, committee…"— Presentation transcript:

1 名詞 普通名詞:book, girl, animal… 集合名詞:family, class, committee…
專有名詞:Taiwan, Sally… 物質名詞:wood, air, stone… 抽象名詞:failure, success…

2 名詞的數 I. 字尾+s books, students
字尾s,x,z,ch,sh+es buses, boxes, watches, brushes, sexes 字尾子音+y去y+ies flies 字尾母音+y+s boys 子音+O+es heroes 例外:pianos 母音+o+s radios, zoos

3 名詞的數 II. 字尾f,fe 去掉f,fe+ves
half life knife shelf leaf thief loaf wife self wolf  halves lives knives shelves leaves thieves loaves wives selves wolves 例外: roof  roofs chief chiefs handkerchief  handkerchiefs

4 不規則變化 Manmen woman women foot feet goose geese
tooth teeth mouse mice ox oxen child children deer deer sheep sheep cattle cattle Chinese Chinese

5 複合名詞的複數 主要字改複數 前後兩字都改為複數 passer-by  passers-by
father-in-law  fathers-in-law son-in-law  sons-in-law maid-servant  maids-servant 前後兩字都改為複數 man-servant  men-servants woman-servant  women-servants

6 EXERCISE: How many ____(woman) are there at the party?
There are many ___(fly) in the kitchen. Don’t count your ___(chicken) before they are hatched. She left the ____(key) in her office. Brush your ___(tooth) before going to bed. I see many ___(child) playing the park. The mountain is covered with fallen ___(leaf). The farmer keeps more than one hundred ___(sheep). My uncle gave us two ___(box) of apples. I take two ___(loaf) of bread and two cups of milk for breakfast every morning.

7 PART II. A. 名詞的格;主格、受格、所有格
Mary is a girl. John likes Mary. I am afraid of snakes. dog’s tail 主格 主格 受格 受格 所有格

8 B. 所有格的形成 單數:Helen’s hair 複數: ---s’ or ---’s 複合字:最後一字+’s 共同所有及個別所有
boys’ school children’s hospital 複合字:最後一字+’s my father-in-law’s car 共同所有及個別所有 Helen and Mary’s school Helen’s and Mary’s schools 同一所學校 不同學校

9 C. 無生命的所有格 the + 所有物 + of (the/that/my…) + 所有者
教室的門 the door of the classroom 樹的葉子 the leaves of the tree 我們學校的名字 the name of our school

10 PART III. 表示價格、距離、時間、重量的名詞 +--’S 或 +--S’ I.
自然率 Nature’s law 天意 Heaven’s will 地球的表面 the earth’s surface B. 時間 今天的報紙 today’s newspaper 三十分鐘的步行 thirty minutes’ walk C. 距離 二十英里的行程 twenty miles’ journey

11 表示價格、距離、時間、重量的名詞 +--’S 或 +--S’ II.
三磅重 three pounds’ weight 價格 兩百塊的票 two hundred dollars’ ticket 慣用語 心滿意足 to one heart’s content 智窮才竭 at one’s wit’s end

12 PART VI. 雙重所有格 a, an, this, that, these
those, some, many N of + 所有代名詞 any, no… 我的一個朋友 a friend of mine 他的那隻錶 that watch of his 我哥哥的一個朋友 a friend of my brother’s 我阿姨的很多衣服 many clothes of my aunt’s

13 EXERCISE An (hour/hour’s) walk is not long.
Please look at (today/ today’s) weather. (Bob and Tom’s/ Bob’s and Tom’s) eyes are black. Mr. Wang is (Jorge’s and Mary’s/ Jorge and Mary’s) father. An old friend of (her/hers) wrote a letter to her last week. They are building a new (child’s and woman’s/ children and women’s) hospital on the campus. Uncle Wang is a friend of my (father/father’s). This notebook is not mine; it’s (somebody else/ somebody else’s).

14 PART VII. 與名詞有關的句型 of no 抽象名詞=not adj. of 抽象名詞=adj.
of no use = not useful of 抽象名詞=adj. He is a man of learning. = He is a learned man. of great 抽象名詞=very adj of great use=very useful all+抽象名詞=抽象名詞+itself=very adj She is all beauty.=She is beauty itself.=She is very beautiful. with(in,by,on…)+抽象名詞=adv with care=carefully

15 PART VIII. 不可數名詞和表數量的形容詞連用
衣服 家具 資訊 行李 行李 luggage, baggage, clothing, furniture, information, machinery…等不可數的名詞可以和表示“量”的形容 詞”much, little, plenty of, a lot of, a piece of, an article of…”連用 a piece of furniture a lot of information 機器

16 歷屆試題 Mr. Wang is a good friend of ___(me/ my/ myself/ mine).
Mr. Smith: Can you help me, please? Salesman: Yes, sir. What is it? Mr. Smith: I am interested in looking at ___(a loaf of/ a sheet of/ a piece of/ a pair of) gloves. Saying only that she was a friend of __(Mary/ Mary’s/ Marys/ Marys’), she left without giving her name. We have a ___(two hour/ two-hour/ two-hours/ two- hour’s) English class every week. She is generous, intelligent, and ___(lots of/ a lot/ lots/ lot of) fun.

17 QUIZ I. We gave them __(many milk/ a few knives/ a lot of sheeps/ several bottles of wine). The rich man is living in a ___(ten-story/ ten- stories/ ten stories/ ten story) building. Machines are ___(at/ by/ of/ on) no use without the power to run them. Both the tailor’s and ___(baker/ baker’s/ the baker/ the baker’s) houses were destroyed by the fire last night. ___(John’s and Tom’s/ John’s and Tom/ John and Tom’s/ John and Tom) school stands at the corner of the road.

18 QUIZ II. The farmer bought two ___(deers/ sheeps/ oxes/ chickens) yesterday. Everybody needs at least ___(a piece of/ a pair of/ a sheet of) shoes in his daily life. It isn’t John’s; it belongs to ___(a friend’s of his/ a friend of him/ his friend’s/ a friend of his). I met her at ___(the grocer’s/ grocer’s/ a grocer/ the grocer). Generally speaking, most of the people like ___(good weather/ a good weather/ beautiful clothings/ a useful advice).

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