03/17/2005 - 1 VA-ANS Update 03/17/2005. 03/17/2005 - 2 Upcoming VA-ANS Meetings  April Meeting:  April 14, 2005 - Richmond  Mr. Jim Reinsch 2004-2005.

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Presentation on theme: "03/17/2005 - 1 VA-ANS Update 03/17/2005. 03/17/2005 - 2 Upcoming VA-ANS Meetings  April Meeting:  April 14, 2005 - Richmond  Mr. Jim Reinsch 2004-2005."— Presentation transcript:

1 03/17/2005 - 1 VA-ANS Update 03/17/2005

2 03/17/2005 - 2 Upcoming VA-ANS Meetings  April Meeting:  April 14, 2005 - Richmond  Mr. Jim Reinsch 2004-2005 ANS Vice-President/President Elect

3 03/17/2005 - 3 Upcoming VA-ANS Meetings  May Meeting:  Meem Lecture  May 19, 2005 - Charlottesville  Mr. Tom Burns Defense Nuclear Facilities Safety Board

4 03/17/2005 - 4 Outreach Opportunities  University of Missouri - Rolla Summer Camp Scholarships http://www.nuc.umr.edu/summercamp/app2005.pdf  Two scholarships of $350 each to assist two Virginia students with their transportation costs  The deadline to apply is June 15 th, 2005.  The two sponsored students will be selected based on their essay, their teacher’s recommendation, and a willingness to report their experience to the Section.  Please help distribute the flyers! Please help distribute the flyers

5 03/17/2005 - 5 Section Opportunities  2005-2006 Election  Will take place on May 19, 2005  Please submit your nominations to: virginia@local.ans.org

6 03/17/2005 - 6 Pro-Nuclear Activities  Keep an eye on list announcements  Participate in public events  Submit Op/Eds or Letters to the Editor of local publications  New Web Site available soon  www.thinknuclear.org  www.newnuclearnow.org

7 03/17/2005 - 7 Recent Events  Pro-Nuclear Rally at the NRC Hearing on North Anna ESP Draft EIS - Thursday February 17, 2005

8 03/17/2005 - 8 Recent Events  2005 Science Teacher Workshop - Saturday February 26, 2005

9 03/17/2005 - 9 Recent Events  Career Day at the Science Museum of Virginia - Sunday February 27, 2005

10 03/17/2005 - 10

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