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What’s the Problem with Black Masculinities? Black Men and Racial Patriarchy #SOASBlackMasculinities A discovery workshop seminar by Dr Ornette D Clennon.

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Presentation on theme: "What’s the Problem with Black Masculinities? Black Men and Racial Patriarchy #SOASBlackMasculinities A discovery workshop seminar by Dr Ornette D Clennon."— Presentation transcript:

1 What’s the Problem with Black Masculinities? Black Men and Racial Patriarchy #SOASBlackMasculinities A discovery workshop seminar by Dr Ornette D Clennon Manchester Metropolitan University

2 In your groups, take 5 mins to decide on 3 key words to describe what you see and tweet them using “Key words: Image of a Black Man” #SOASBlackMasculinities

3 Discovering a wider picture In your groups, take 5 mins to decide on 3 key words to describe what you see in the link and tweet them using “Key words: Images of Black Men” #SOASBlackMasculinities Internet images of Black Men

4 Discovering a wider picture In your groups, take 10 minutes to discuss why you chose the keywords for those images Tweet summary of findings using “Summary of Images of Black Men:…” #SOASBlackMasculinities Present your findings to the whole group

5 Discovering a wider picture In your groups, take 5 mins to decide on 3 key words to describe what you see in the link and tweet them using “Key words: Images of White Men” #SOASBlackMasculinities Internet images of White Men

6 Discovering a wider picture In your groups, take 5 mins to decide on 3 key words to describe what you see and tweet them using “Key words: Images of Gay White Men” #SOASBlackMasculinities Internet images of Gay White Men

7 Discovering a wider picture What are the differences between (10mins) Internet images of White Men and Internet images of Gay White Men Tweet a summary of your answers using “Diff in perception between White and Gay White men:…” to #SOASBlackMasculinities Discuss with the whole group

8 Discovering a wider picture In your groups, take 5 mins to decide on 3 key words to describe what you see and tweet them using “Key words: Images of Gay Black Men” #SOASBlackMasculinities Internet images of Gay Black Men

9 Discovering a wider picture What are the differences between (10mins) Internet images of Black Men and Internet images of Gay Black Men Tweet a summary of your answers using “Diff in perception between Black and Gay Black men:…” to #SOASBlackMasculinities Discuss with the whole group

10 How is Black Masculinity popularly perceived and how is it different to perception of White Masculinity? ‘Politics of Representation’ (Hall, 1997) In your groups, discuss this for 15 mins, explaining why you think what you think Tweet a summary of your discussion using “Summary of perception of Black Masculinity:…”to #SOASBlackMasculinities Let’s take a 5 mins break, here!

11 Racial Patriarchy An Introduction to some background concepts…. Universal Subject where the ‘“eye” is a product of history reproduced by education’ (Bourdieu 1984: 3) White supremacy (Gillborn, 2005) ‘Politics of Representation’ (Hall, 1997) Inverted male gaze (Patterson & Elliott, 2002) “when the gaze is turned on itself, men are more likely to move through a range of responses such as rejection, identification and desire” (male gaze, privileged male heterosexuality (Mulvey, 2009)) “Blackness” as market commodity (Kvifte, 2001). Black Hypermasculinity as a fetish “White elites reduced Black men to their bodies, and identified their muscles and their penises as their most important sites” (Collins, 2005, p. 57) Control of sexuality (Foucault, 1977) - discipline power

12 Racial Patriarchy Universal Subject where the ‘“eye” is a product of history reproduced by education’ (Bourdieu 1984: 3) White supremacy (Gillborn, 2005) Discuss this in your groups for 10 mins. How do you see this in your daily lives? What are its effects on you? Tweet your findings using “My exp of universal subject is……” to #SOASBlackMasculinities #racialpatriarchy Present your thoughts to the whole group

13 Racial Patriarchy Inverted male gaze (Patterson & Elliott, 2002) “when the gaze is turned on itself, men are more likely to move through a range of responses such as rejection, identification and desire” (male gaze, privileged male hetereosexuality (Mulvey, 2009)) “Blackness” as market commodity (Kvifte, 2001) ‘Politics of Representation’ (Hall, 1997) Discuss this in your groups for 10 mins. How do you see this in your daily lives? What are its effects on you? Tweet your findings using “My exp of inverted male gaze is……” to #SOASBlackMasculinities #racialpatriarchy Present your thoughts to the whole group

14 Racial Patriarchy Black Hypermasculinity as a fetish “White elites reduced Black men to their bodies, and identified their muscles and their penises as their most important sites” (Collins, 2005, p. 57) Control of sexuality (Foucault, 1977) – discipline power Discuss this in your groups for 10 mins. How do you see this in your daily lives? What are its effects on you? Tweet your findings using “My exp of inverted male gaze is……” to #SOASBlackMasculinities #racialpatriarchy Present your thoughts to the whole group

15 Racial Patriarchy Take 10 mins to devise an action plan for resisting the effects of racial patriarchy. Use the following stages to structure your plan. – Stage 1: ‘Consciousness-raising’ (Freire, 1973) – How will you keep awareness of this? – Stage 2: Problematising the issue (Montero, 2009) – How will you challenge it? – Stage 3: Moving forward (Martin-Baro, 1994) – What steps will you take to challenge this ideology? Tweet a summary of your plans using “My action plan to resist racial pat’ is…..” #SOASBlackMasculinities #racialpatriarchy Present plans to whole class Discuss and continue the discussion on #SOASBlackMasculinities #racialpatriarchy

16 References Bourdieu, P. (1984). Distinction: A Social Critique of the Judgement of Taste. (R. Nice, Trans.) Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press. Collins, P. H. (2005). Black sexual politics: African Americans, gender and the new racism. New York: Routledge. Clennon, O.D. (2013) What’s problem with Black masculinities? In Yasmin Gunaratnam (ed.). Media Diversified [website] November 18, 2013, Available at: [Accessed: 23.11.13] Foucault, M. (1977). Discipline and Punish: The Birth of the Prison. (A. Sheridan, Trans.) New York: Random House. Freire, P. (1973). Pedagogy of the oppressed. New York: Seabury Press. Gillborn, D. (2005). Education Policy as an Act White Supremacy: Whiteness, Critical Race Theory and Education Reform. Journal of Education Policy, 20(4), 485-505. Hall, S. (Ed.). (1997). Representation: Cultural Representations and Signifying Practices. London: Sage Publications. Kvifte, T. (2001) Hunting for the Gold at the end of the Rainbow: Identity and Global Romanticism On the Roots of Ethnic Music. Retrieved July 26, 2013, from Popular Musicology Online: Martin-Baro, I. (1994). Writings for a Liberation Psychology. New York: Harvard University Press. Montero, M. (2009). Methods for liberation: Critical consciousness in action. In M. Montero, & C. Sonn (Eds.), Psychology of liberation: Theory and applications (pp. 73 - 93). New York, NY: Springer. Mulvey, L. (2009). Visual and other pleasures (Second ed.). Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan. Patterson, M., & Elliott, R. (2002). Negotiating masculinities: Advertising and the inversion of the male gaze. Consumption Markets & Culture, 5(3), 231-46.

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