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Aim: Did geography help or hinder the development of civilization in Japan? Do Now: Examine the map of Japan, and note its geographical features.

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Presentation on theme: "Aim: Did geography help or hinder the development of civilization in Japan? Do Now: Examine the map of Japan, and note its geographical features."— Presentation transcript:

1 Aim: Did geography help or hinder the development of civilization in Japan?
Do Now: Examine the map of Japan, and note its geographical features.

2 Japan’s Geographic Setting
Japan is made up of a chain of mountainous islands in the Pacific Ocean off the coast of mainland Asia. There are four main islands and more than 3,000 smaller islands. Together, they make up the Japanese archipelago, or island group, that extends in an arc more than 1,200 miles long. The Japanese Islands are part of the Ring of Fire, a group of islands around the Pacific Ocean that are vulnerable to earthquakes and volcanoes. Underground earthquakes can cause deadly tidal waves, or tsunami, to sweep over the islands, destroying everything in their path.


4 Shintoism The traditional Japanese religion is called Shinto, meaning “the way of the gods.” Shinto is characterized by the worship of kami, or divine spirits found in all living and nonliving things. Kami are thought to control the powerful forces of nature. Believers respect the kami and try to win their favor through prayer and offerings. The Shared beliefs of the followers of Shinto helped unite all of Japan.


6 Trade With whom does Japan trade?

7 Cultural Influences From whom is Japanese culture influenced?

8 The Effects of Cultural Diffusion


10 (China) (Japan)

11 Confucius (551/ BC)


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