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Stellar Brightness.  Apparent magnitude: brightness of a star as seen from Earth  The Ancient Greeks put the stars they could see into six groups. 

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Presentation on theme: "Stellar Brightness.  Apparent magnitude: brightness of a star as seen from Earth  The Ancient Greeks put the stars they could see into six groups. "— Presentation transcript:

1 Stellar Brightness

2  Apparent magnitude: brightness of a star as seen from Earth  The Ancient Greeks put the stars they could see into six groups.  The brightest stars were in group 1 and called them magnitude 1 stars  The stars they could barely see were put into group 6 – magnitude 6 stars  The lower the number, the brighter the star

3 Apparent Magnitude  Astronomers had to add some numbers to the magnitude scale since the ancient Greeks  We now have lower, even negative, magnitudes for very bright objects like the sun and moon  We have magnitudes higher than six for very dim stars seen with telescopes

4 Apparent Magnitude Examples  Sirius (brightest star in sky)1.4  Mars-2.8  Venus-4.4  Full Moon -12.6  Sun (DON’T LOOK!) -26.8  Without a telescope, you can barely see magnitude 6 stars

5 Apparent Magnitude  Three factors influence how bright a star appears as seen from Earth:  How big it is  How hot it is  How far away it is

6 Two stars in the night sky

7 Absolute Magnitude  Actual brightness of a star if viewed from a standard distance  What if we could line up all the stars the same distance away to do a fair test for their brightness?  This is what astronomers do with the Absolute Magnitude scale  They ‘pretend’ to line up the stars exactly 10 parsecs (32.6 l.y.)away and figure out how bright each start would look

8 Absolute Magnitude

9 Distance, Apparent Magnitude and Absolute Magnitude of Some Stars Name Distance (Light-years) Apparent Magnitude* Absolute Magnitude* Sun-------26.75.0 Alpha Centauri Sirius8.70-1.41.5 Arcturus36-0.1-0.3 Betelgeuse5200.8-5.5 Deneb16001.3-6.9 *The more negative, the brighter; The more positive, the dimmer

10 H-R Diagram (Hertzsprung-Russell) absolute magnitudetemperature of stars  Shows the relationship between the absolute magnitude and temperature of stars  So what?  It shows stars of different ages and in different stages, all at the same time. It is a great tool to check your understanding of the star life cycle.  Hey, let’s look at the life cycle of a star

11 11

12 12 Star Life Cycle  1. Beginning (Protostar)  1. Gravity pulls gas and dust inward toward the core.  2. Inside the core, temperature increases as gas atom collisions increase.  3. Density of the core increases as more atoms try to share the same space.  4. Gas pressure increases as atomic collisions and density (atoms/space) increase.  5. The protostar’s gas pressure RESISTS the collapse of the nebula.  6. When gas pressure = gravity, the protostar has reached equilibrium and accretion stops 12

13 13 Protostar: two options is not brown dwarf  if critical temp. is not reached: ends up as a brown dwarf is  if critical temp is reached: nuclear fusion begins and we have a star  Hydrogen in the core is being fused into helium  H-R Diagram: main sequence star

14 14 2. Main sequence stars  90% of life cycle  fuse hydrogen into helium  when hydrogen is gone, fuse helium into carbon  more massive stars can fuse carbon into heavier elements  **always “equilibrium” battle between gravity and gas pressure  how long a star lives depends on its initial mass

15 15 Crisis 3. Crisis  fuel begins to run out  gravity compresses core creating more heat Red Giants  heat causes outer layers begin to grow, cool off and turn reddish in color : become Red Giants

16 16 Death: 4. Death: two branches  a.) low mass stars  period of instability  outer layers lifting off white dwarf  collapse under own weight creating a white dwarf  *this is what will happen to our sun (black dwarfs)  slowly fades away since no new energy produced until black as space (black dwarfs) massive stars  b) massive stars supernova  core collapses creating a supernova  because of tremendous pressure, electrons join protons to become neutrons neutron star  creates a neutron star  no space between atoms; extremely dense black holes  * Super Massive stars eventually become black holes

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