: Jeopardy Review Game: Science Chapter 1. $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5$5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 Cell Parts Knock Classifying Animals.

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Presentation on theme: ": Jeopardy Review Game: Science Chapter 1. $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5$5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 Cell Parts Knock Classifying Animals."— Presentation transcript:

1 : Jeopardy Review Game: Science Chapter 1

2 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5$5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 $2 $3 $4 $5 $1 Cell Parts Knock Classifying Animals Classifying Plants Pictures

3 I am a part of the cell. I am a part that is only in plant cells, not in animal cells. I am on the outside of the cell, right next to the cell membrane. I support and protect the cell. What cell part am I? Back to Jeopardy Board

4 I am a part of the cell. I am in both plant and animal cells. I am usually in the middle of the cell. I am called the “brain” of the cell because I have all the instructions for the cell’s job. What cell part am I? Back to Jeopardy Board

5 I am a part of the cell. I am a jelly-like liquid that holds everything together inside a cell. I cover the entire inside of the cell. What cell part am I? Back to Jeopardy Board

6 I am a part of the cell. I am only in plant cells. I absorb the sunlight to provide food for the plant. I am green in color. What cell part am I? Back to Jeopardy Board

7 I am a part of the cell. I am in both animal cells and plant cells. I am on the outside of an animal cell I act as a guard, deciding what can come into and out of the cell. What cell part am I? Back to Jeopardy Board

8 Are there more vertebrates or invertebrates on the Earth? Back to Jeopardy Board

9 I am a device that allows people to make tiny objects appear much larger. You could not observe ells without me. What am I? Back to Jeopardy Board

10 This word means to: sort into groups look at the similarities and differences What is the word? Back to Jeopardy Board

11 Name 3 different ways we have classified our class—either outside or when lining up. Back to Jeopardy Board

12 Name 1 reason why you should learn about cells. Back to Jeopardy Board

13 Animal cells are this shape. Back to Jeopardy Board

14 This class of animal is covered in hair or fur. Most live on land, but few live in water. Use lungs to breathe. Warm-blooded. Live births. Includes humans. Who are they? Back to Jeopardy Board

15 This class of animal is covered with smooth skin. They can live both on land and in the water. They can breathe with lungs or gills or both. They are cold-blooded. They hatch from eggs. Who are they? Back to Jeopardy Board

16 What makes a snake a reptile? Name 2 characteristics that make a snake a reptile. Back to Jeopardy Board

17 Name 3 animals that are considered to be invertebrates. Back to Jeopardy Board

18 Plant cells are this shape. Back to Jeopardy Board

19 True or False. Plant cells do not move. Back to Jeopardy Board

20 Name 3 different plants you might have drawn on your paper on Friday. Back to Jeopardy Board

21 Name 2 ways that we classified the leaves on Friday. Back to Jeopardy Board

22 Name 1 cell part that plant cells have but animal cells do not. Back to Jeopardy Board

23 Which animal class does this animal belong to? Back to Jeopardy Board

24 Vertebrate or Invertebrate? Back to Jeopardy Board

25 Plant cell or Animal cell? Back to Jeopardy Board

26 The arrow is pointing to which part of the cell? Back to Jeopardy Board

27 Name 2 features of this leaf that scientists may use to classify it. Back to Jeopardy Board

28 Final Jeopardy On a piece of paper draw a plant cell. Label 3 of the cell parts.

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