Section C Practical Writing WRITING MEMOS Notes on Memos Sample Reading Exercises CONTENTS.

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2 Section C Practical Writing WRITING MEMOS

3 Notes on Memos Sample Reading Exercises CONTENTS

4 Notes on Memos 备忘录是公司内部最基本、最常用的一种信息传递 方式,如会议安排、情况报告、责任确认、问题处理等。 备忘录通常由公司统一印制成标准的表格。 备忘录中 To 一栏中的收笺人和 From 一栏中的发 笺人可以是姓名后加上其职位和部门,也可只写职位。 收笺人的姓名前可写上 Mr. , Mrs. , Ms. , Dr. 等,而发 笺人的姓名前则不写。

5 Notes on Memos Subject 即内容标题,一般用名词或动名词词组等 少数几个词做简略叙述。 内容部分是备忘录的主要部分,应力求简明、确切。 最后,结束时不用签名。如果备忘录同时还发给除 收笺人以外的其他人,在末段 cc: (或 c: )之后写上其姓 名即可。

6 Sample Reading Sample 1 MEMORANDUM To: All Departmental Managers From: Sales Manager Date: March 4th, 2008 Subject: Annual Sales Reports All Departmental Managers are reminded that the Annual Sales Reports are required to be sent to the Personnel Office by April 1st. If any difficulties are met in its completion by this date, please inform me. cc: Ellen Staley, General Manager

7 Sample reading Sample 2 MEMORANDUM To: Mr. Lin, Regional Sales Manager From: Assistant Sales Manager Date: October 14th, 2008 Subject: Handling of the Enquiry I have dealt with the enquiry that you passed to me on Friday. The enquiry was from Mr. E. King, who wanted to know whether we could offer him a special wholesale discount. I told Mr. King that we could offer his company a 5% discount on orders over $1,000.

8 Exercises MEMORANDUM To: The manager From: J. Rhodes, Sales Accountant Date: 20 January 2009 Subject: ______________________________ I have checked our records and I have found that Mr. Liu is correct in his complaint. I am afraid I was responsible for confusing his invoice ( 发票 ) with another invoice. I shall make sure that he gets a replacement invoice in the very near future. The complaint from Mr. Liu 1. It is important to write a good subject line in your memo. Read the memo below and write a subject line for it.

9 2. Change the following telephone message into a memo. Part of it has been done for you. July 5th: Hello, is that Stephen Chan? This is the Managing Director here. Could you send that report you’re working on over to me this morning? You know the one—about expanding our range of products. Thanks. Exercises

10 MEMORANDUM To: 1) ___________________ From: 2) _______________________ Date: 3) ______________________ Subject: 4) __________________________________ I should like you to send me the report that you are now working on—about the Product Range Expansion. Stephen Chan July 5th About the Product Range Expansion Managing Director

11 3. Write a memo according to the information given in Chinese. Some parts have been done for you. 2008 年 7 月 5 日罗锐向质量控 制部经理( quality control manager ) 汇报:在检测新机器时发现该机器有 问题。他建议新机器停止生产以保证 产品质量。 Exercises

12 MEMORANDUM To: 1) ________________________ From: Luo Rui Date: 3) _______________ Subject: 4) __________________________________ At the recent test, I discovered that 4) ____________________________________________ ( 新机器有问题 ). May I suggest that the production of the new machine be stopped to ensure 5) _________________________ ( 产品质量 )? Quality control manager About the New Machine there were some problems with the new machine 5 July 2008 the quality of the product

13 THANK YOU The End

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