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Interview Skills Discussion What subconscious signals am I sending?

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Presentation on theme: "Interview Skills Discussion What subconscious signals am I sending?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Interview Skills Discussion What subconscious signals am I sending?

2 NOTE:  Please take notes during the discussions and activities. You will be using them for the activity at the end of the slideshow.

3 Review: Walking into a room  Class Discussion: - How do we walk into a room? What are some points to remember? - Why is this important? * PRACTICE

4 Body Language  Freeze! How are you sitting right now? What signals might that send?  What does your posture say about you?  Checklist for good posture: a) Create your own 3-point checklist b) Share in your groups c) Combine to make a 5-point checklist d) Each group share with the class e) Record good points as each group shares

5 What’s in a face?  Don’t talk! Silence!  Everyone practice these facial expressions: - Happy - Sad - Angry - Neutral - Attentive and Open

6 DISCUSS: You are walking into a job interview. What should your face look like? What are some good emotions to portray? a) Discuss and list in your groups b) Draw a summary of your discussion to share with the class, i.e. draw a face and label, then hold it up for the class and describe

7 Introducing Yourself  Class Brainstorm: What do we do when we introduce ourselves? As the class discusses, list good points. Act out some good introductions in your group. Write out a concise introduction of yourself

8 Colloquialism  What does this word mean?  What kind of vocabulary should you avoid at school? At work? During a formal interview? Why? * Discuss: formal courtesies. What do they mean? Why are they important? * Discuss: what does it mean to be polite? Practice in your groups.

9 Leaving a Room  How would you leave an interview? Think, Pair, Share. Class Discussion.  Handshakes: What makes a good handshake? Practice

10 Summary  Summarize what we have discussed today. From this summary, make yourself a “Do” and “Don’t” checklist for the Catwalk. This is due next class.  Minimum 10 points for “Do,” 5 points for “Don’t.”

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