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“...holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Pet. 1:21 NKJV AccurateDivine God breathed HolyInerrantInfallible Inspired ReliableSacredTrustworthy.

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Presentation on theme: "“...holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Pet. 1:21 NKJV AccurateDivine God breathed HolyInerrantInfallible Inspired ReliableSacredTrustworthy."— Presentation transcript:


2 “...holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Pet. 1:21 NKJV AccurateDivine God breathed HolyInerrantInfallible Inspired ReliableSacredTrustworthy Revelation From God

3 “...holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.” 2 Pet. 1:21 NKJV Skeptics can investigate !! Believers - reinforced !!

4 "Those by the wayside are the ones who hear; then the devil comes and takes away the word out of their hearts, lest they should believe and be saved.” Luke 8:12

5 If we would destroy the Christian religion, we must first of all destroy man’s belief in the Bible. Voltaire - French Atheist

6 We believe the Bible is from God I. The Manuscripts were Accurate

7 Hebrew Greek


9 We believe the Bible is from God II. The Bible Claims to Be from God

10 “All scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness.”

11 20. knowing this first, that no prophecy of Scripture is of any private interpretation, 21. for prophecy never came by the will of man, but holy men of God spoke as they were moved by the Holy Spirit.

12 We believe the Bible is from God III. The Preservation of The Bible

13 “The grass withers, the flower fades, But the word of our God stands forever.“ Isa. 40:8 “Heaven and earth shall pass away, but my words shall not pass away.” Matt. 24:35

14 Roman Emperor - Diocletian Issued a royal edict which demanded that every copy of the Bible be surrendered and destroyed by fire.

15 Predicted that 100 years after his death a person would be able to find a copy of the Bible only in museums. Voltaire - French Atheist

16 The Bible is a best-seller Millions printed every year Over 6 Billion copies printed


18 We believe the Bible is from God IV. Archaeological Discoveries

19 Hittites - Gen. 15:20 ~ 1906 Pilate - Matt. 27:2 ~ 1961 Cyrenius - Luke 2:2 ~ coins King Sargon - Isa. 20:1 ~ 1843 Omri - 1 Kings 16:16 ~ 1868 Belshazzar - Dan. 5:1 ~ 1876 Writing - Rosetta Stone ~ 1799



22 We believe the Bible is from God V. Scientific Accuracy

23 FLOOD =Sea animals on mountain EARTH = upheld - Job 26:7 ROUND = 1522 - Isa. 40:22 BLOOD = 1615 Harvey - Lev.17:11 SEA = Maury - Psalms 8:8 NORTH = Empty space - Job 26:7

24 We believe the Bible is from God VI. Fulfilled Prophecy

25 Virgin Birth - Isa. 7:14 = Matt. 1:18 Bethlehem - Micah 5:2 = Matt. 2:1 Crucifixion - Ps. 22:16 = Jn. 19:18 Prophecy is history Written ahead of time !



28 Sermon by Arthur Pigman Evans Church of Christ 515 Gibbs Road Evans, Ga. 30809 Sunday Morning November 22, 2009

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