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Implementation Timeline.  Board approves Strategic Plan  Superintendent assigns a year to begin for each action plan  Superintendent assigns “owner”

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1 Implementation Timeline

2  Board approves Strategic Plan  Superintendent assigns a year to begin for each action plan  Superintendent assigns “owner” of each action plan  Progress is tracked throughout the year, quarterly  Annual updates held spring of each year

3  Seven action plans will be completed in Year 1  One in Teaching and Learning - Ongoing  Two in Funding and Finance - Ongoing  One in Facilities - Complete  Two in Co-Curricular - Ongoing  One in Communications - Ongoing

4  Teaching and Learning  Action Plan 1.1.4 Create a post-secondary plan for every secondary student at BAPS.  Assigned to Dr. Janet Dunlop  Strategies used to implement action plan include: ▪ Formed committee to develop plan ▪ Researched current models for student career advisement ▪ Begin discussion and selection of model or develop own ▪ Design implementation strategy and designate lead

5  Funding and Finance  Action Plan 3.1.1 Develop opportunities to increase funding at the local level through various initiatives.  Assigned to Dwayne Thompson  Strategies used to implement action plan include: ▪ Implemented P Card: YTD charged to P Card $330,540.37 ▪ Medicaid reimbursement: Board approved contract Sept. 16, 2013, and district is now acquiring signatures from parents ▪ Meeting with BOK Nov. 7, 2013, to discuss increased investment opportunities and strategies

6  Funding and Finance  Action Plan 3.2.1 Develop a three-tiered plan to educate all stakeholders regarding the district’s finances and budget.  Assigned to Dwayne Thompson  Strategies used to implement action plan include: ▪ Financial summaries will be published in Arrowpoint in February and overview in Annual Report when published ▪ The Annual Budget is on the website and CAFR will be included when finished ▪ Additional personnel have been asked to join the Budget Committee ▪ Basic level financial information has been and will be included to train and educate staff: Aug. 7, Oct. 22, Nov. 6, Feb. 6, and April 30 ▪ In the process of including individual site budget reports on web page

7  Facilities  Action Plan 4.2.1 Develop a Long Range Planning Committee that prioritizes the needs of the district and assists with items for bond issues, boundary zones, and land acquisitions.  Assigned to Michelle Bergwall  Strategies used to implement action plan include: ▪ Review current facilities’ attributes with committee ▪ Discuss facilitiy needs and wants with committee ▪ Review site enrollment data and population trends ▪ Review geographical layout of district and growth patterns

8  Co-Curricular  Action Plan 5.1.1 Identify required blocks of time based on local, state, and federal requirements and logistical constraints.  Assigned to Amy Fichtner  Update on activities to implement action plan include: ▪ Parameters for time (OSDE requirements, etc.) have been confirmed. ▪ Embedded collaboration committee held first meeting in October and additional meetings will occur November 4 and 25 ▪ Focus in October: Purpose of collaboration and identifying need.

9  Co-Curricular  Action Plan 5.2.1 Create a wider range of co-curricular activities for Broken Arrow students in grades Pre-K through 12 th that are more relevant and accessible.  Assigned to Chuck Perry  Strategies used to implement action plan include: ▪ Held Rush Week at the BAHS on Sept. 11-12; included 16 different clubs. ▪ The BAHS Facebook page has 531 likes and Twitter has 131 followers. An Announcement Board has been constructed in the cafeteria. ▪ Forming Student Engagement Committee composed of students, staff, and community members; focus is on developing programming for grades K-12. ▪ New activities at BAHS include a Dodgeball Tournament on Nov. 4-7, Paintball on Nov. 23, and Rock Climbing on Dec. 14.

10  Communications  Action Plan 6.1.1 Utilize street teams to collect and disseminate district communications to all audiences.  Assigned to Tara Thompson  Strategies used to implement action plan include: ▪ Developed “Street Team FAQ” for members ▪ Identified initial group for two-month pilot ▪ Planning kickoff event for January

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