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Anecdotal Measures Advance College Project PROGRAMIMPLICATIONS Departmental Linkages ACP Performance & Retention Data PROGRAMIMPLICATIONS Qualifiers for.

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1 Anecdotal Measures Advance College Project PROGRAMIMPLICATIONS Departmental Linkages ACP Performance & Retention Data PROGRAMIMPLICATIONS Qualifiers for Program Rigor of Program The Advance College Project is an academic collaboration between Indiana University and high schools in Indiana, Michigan, Ohio and their students and teachers to provide a seamless transition for students from high school to higher education by offering dual credit/ concurrent enrollment classes. Extent of Program ACP is a dual credit program where students take classes taught by their high school teachers for high school and college credit concurrently, at their high school, during the regular school day. The ACP program is administered through IU Bloomington, and is supported at the regional campuses of IU Northwest, IU Kokomo, IU East, IU South Bend and IU Southeast. ACP classes are designed to meet the standards set by the various states and the Association of American Universities’ Standards for Success project sponsored by the Pew Trust and the Association of American Universities and 17 AAU Member Universities. The ACP program offers several opportunities to departments within the university. Chart 1 compares the Retention Rates of students in their third semester at Indiana University. All figures were collected from a cohort based on SAT scores for the years indicated. Chart 2 displays the first semester GPA’s of students matriculating from 1999-2004. A participating school drafts an agreement with IU to provide teachers who have MA’s or unique training in a subject area. IU faculty liaisons train and monitor teachers to deliver college courses to high school students who meet IU academic admission standards. ACP is a member of NACEP, the National Alliance for Concurrent Enrollment Partnerships, a charter organization formed by IU as one of its seven founding institutions. Its work is to safeguard the quality of this type of program. 120 high schools in Indiana, Ohio, & Michigan 6 IU campuses 2300 + high school students 12,000 + hours of college credit 300 + teachers 33 courses in 14 subject areas Demographics 2006 Course Syllabi College Texts Criterion Based Tests Annual Review Seminars Site Visits by Liaisons Intensive Summer Training Teacher & Student Surveys Senior & 5 Year Follow-up Surveys University Data Formal Measures Student, teacher, and liaison discussions provide information for sustaining academic rigor and alignment with performance standards. Teachers report that skills gained in ACP courses enhance instruction in all other high school classes taught. Research: Learning Strategies Teaching Strategies Laboratory Setting Collaborative Projects Outreach: IU Potential Students IU Department Visibility IU Department Linkages IU Adjunct Faculty P-16 State Initiatives Professional Development: Linkages with High Schools Diversity Opportunities Implementing Standards Scholarly Pedagogy Division of Extended Programs GPA Comparison Retention Rate Comparison Leslie J. Coyne, Associate Vice Chancellor of Extended Programs Joanna Evans, ACP Director Thomas E. Leahey, ACP Associate Director Deb Mart, ACP Registrar Katie Logemann, ACP Program Services Mary Anna Dimitrakopoulos, ACP Director, IU South Bend Phone: 812-855-3671 E-mail: Outreach to Secondary Education Forty faculty liaisons across six regional campuses provide academic support to ACP teachers and their students. In that partnership the program delivers courses in 14 subject areas. Biology L100 Chemistry C105/C125, C106/C126 & C101/C121 Economics E201 Education F200 English W131 & A202 French F203 & F204 German G150 & G200 History H105 & H106 International Studies I100 Mathematics M118, M119, M211, M212, M215 & M216 Physics P221 Political Science Y103 Psychology P101 & P102 Public & Environ. Affairs E100 &V161 Sociology S100 Spanish S203 & S204 ACP Courses Chart1 Chart 1 Chart 2 Retention Rates

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