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Recent SST, Sea ice, and Snow Cover Monitoring and Diagnosis Beijing Climate Center, CMA YUAN Yuan, ZHOU Bing ( Thanks to Dr. Guo Y J and Dr. Ma L J )

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Presentation on theme: "Recent SST, Sea ice, and Snow Cover Monitoring and Diagnosis Beijing Climate Center, CMA YUAN Yuan, ZHOU Bing ( Thanks to Dr. Guo Y J and Dr. Ma L J )"— Presentation transcript:

1 Recent SST, Sea ice, and Snow Cover Monitoring and Diagnosis Beijing Climate Center, CMA YUAN Yuan, ZHOU Bing ( Thanks to Dr. Guo Y J and Dr. Ma L J )

2 1.Recent SST monitoring and diagnosis 2.Possible impacts of negative PDO 3.Sea ice and snow cover monitoring Outline

3 Jan. 2013 Monthly SSTA Feb. 2013 Dec. 2012

4 SSTA & OLR in DJF 2012/13

5 Anomaly percentage of rainfall in DJF 2012/13 A Atmospheric Circulation Anom. DJF Red contour: Climatological WPSH

6 Wang et al. 2000, J. Climate, 13: 1517-1536 Cold A Warm C A Physical Mechanism for the Anticyclone e.g. Watanabe and Jin, 2002; Xie et al. 2009; Wu et al. 2010; Yuan et al, 2012

7 SSTA in March 2013 The latest weekly SST departures are: Niño 4 0.0ºC Niño 3.4 0.1ºC Niño 3 0.0ºC Niño 1+2 -0.9ºC (From CPC)

8 1.Recent SST monitoring and diagnosis 2.Possible impacts of negative PDO 3.Sea ice and snow cover monitoring Outline

9 Composite difference of summer rainfall anomaly between positive and negative PDO years NENCJHYRSC PDO0.13-0.2- Precipitation data: GPCC V6 & CRU TS 3.10.01 NE 9 NC 9 JH 9 YR 9 SC 9 PDO 9 0.13-0.680.020.360.08 Red line: PDO 9 Green and black lines: NC 9

10 Composite Difference between positive and negative PDO phases SSTA 850UV 500H

11 Negative PDO Enhanced EASM Eastward and northward WPSH More summer rainfall in North China

12 1.Recent SST monitoring and diagnosis 2.Possible impacts of negative PDO 3.Sea ice and snow cover monitoring Outline

13 Sea Ice Concentration in NH--DJF Over 40% below normal in the Barents Sea and western Kara Sea The fourth least since 1978

14 Sea Ice Concentration in SH--DJF

15 Snow Cover Days in NH--DJF

16 Average Snow Depth in China--DJF China Northeast China Northern Xinjiang Tibet Plateau

17 Conclusions 1.In DJF 2012/13, SSTA over the equatorial eastern-central Pacific was slightly below normal; PDO persisted in its negative phase; SSTA over the tropical Indian Ocean was significantly above normal, which excited anomalous low-level anticyclone to the east of the Philippines 2.The significant negative PDO would lead to a strong East Asian summer monsoon and a weak WPSH in summer 2013. Therefore, more precipitation tends to occur in North China. 3.In DJF 2012/13, sea ice concentrations were over 40% below normal in Barents Sea and western Kara Sea, while mostly above normal in the sea areas around Antarctica. 4.The area of snow cover was evidently larger than normal in Northeast China, with the average snow depth the deepest since 1973.

18 Thank You!

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