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Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) Making Meaning for Students and Parents Tuesday Tutorial #3.

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2 Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) Making Meaning for Students and Parents Tuesday Tutorial #3

3 Real Partnerships: Common purpose united and expanded our partnerships!

4 Why CTE? CTE’s role in ICAP/PWR

5 Real Purpose Vision: Colorado CTE delivers proven pathways to lifelong career success! Mission: CTE ensures a thriving Colorado economy by providing relevant and rigorous education that is connected, responsive and real.


7 Why CDE? CDE’s role in ICAP/PWR Role of convener and facilitator Provides materials, tools and resources for transition planning Technical assistance and training to support District Implementation Research and Development – UNC (in the works) Track number of ASCENT students and verify eligibility

8 Why DHE? DHE’s role in ICAP/PWR

9 ICAP is a lifelong process(P-20, at least): follow your dream, yes, but the road map applies to everyone at every age – note how many “careers” a 21 st century worker is expected to enjoy! The Secondary ICAP transfers to Postsecondary. In fact, the Higher Ed Strategic Plan recommends adopting it for college students. With Concurrent Enrollment and ASCENT, the historic dividing lines between P-12 and Higher Ed have become more like bridges, indivisibly linking Secondary with Postsecondary. Partnership!! DHE serves all the variations of Postsecondary – CTE (Technical Colleges), Certificates, Associates, Bachelors and beyond. The ICAP is the road map for lifelong learning and success.

10 Belief of ICAP for Colorado –Personalized education aligned to curriculum –Decrease Drop Out Rate –Increase Retention and Engagement –Increase students awareness of Career Pathways.

11 Individual Career and Academic Plans Legislative review During the spring of 2009, the Colorado General Assembly passed the School Finance Bill (SB 09-256). This legislation requires the State Board of Education to establish standards for Individual Career and Academic Plans (ICAP) for students enrolled in public schools in the state on or before February 1, 2010. The legislation specifies that at minimum, each ICAP shall include: –The student’s effort in exploring careers, including interest surveys that the student completes; –The student’s academic process, including the courses taken, any remediation or credit recovery, and any concurrent enrollment credits earned; –The student’s experiences in contextual and service learning; –The student’s college application and resume, as they are prepared and submitted; and –The student’s postsecondary studies as the student progresses.


13 The ICAP journey… Awareness & Dissemination 2010 - 2011 Building bridges and readiness, training and planning Implementation 2011-2012 Making meaning of the ICAP, engaging in activities and process Implementation Continued 2012-2013 Reviews and Revisions where necessary Transformation 2013 – 2014 ICAPs fully implemented and new assessment system begins

14 Other Related Initiatives 6 th grade College In Colorado (free statewide guidance website): SB 256 ICAPs Required SB09-256 - Rules adopted February 2010 District Plans 09-2010 *Continuous College ICAPs proposed in Higher Education Strategic Plan, November 2010 * naturally progression statewide ICAPs & PWR Attributes Assessments System, December 2010 ICAPs & HB10-1273, Progress of visual and performing arts courses

15 Diversity of Colorado


17 Best Practice – Connecting Plans of Study to ICAP’s



20 Each Plan of Study built to meet HEAR requirements.



23 Career Guidance and College In Colorado Training for ALL Staff

24 Utilize your “Village” The Experts: You + the Administrator, the school leader Professional School Counselors: ASCA model, Career Development CTE instructors/directors: Plans of Study GT coordinators/instructors SpEd/Transition Coordinators: IEP’s (Individual Education Plans) IT Specialists: Data sharing, SIS pro’s Academic Core/AVID/IB/Elective instructors: time, relevance and relationship May we suggest: student(s), librarian, school board, PS rep, workforce rep, parent(s), SAC members, PTA/PTO’s. pre-collegiate provider, business & industry rep, BOCES and any others?

25 Best Practice Connecting Business & Industry

26 Career Expo

27 Workforce Connect

28 Best Practice ICAP Curriculum 6-12

29 Bringing it all together!


31 All Freshman will complete ICAP activities during their Freshman Seminar class (meets daily) We have divided sophomores, juniors, and seniors into mentor groups (15-18 students each). Each high school teacher has been assigned a mentor group. The teacher/mentor is responsible for monitoring the ICAP Plan in CIC (running reports and student follow-up) Every Thursday from 3:00-3:37 (Activity Time) students will meet in their mentor ’ s rooms. On Thursdays, designated groups will be working in CIC on their plans. Students not working on CIC attend student meetings (FBLA, Senior/Junior Class meetings etc). Each week we will rotate which groups are in CIC and which are in meetings so everyone will have the opportunity to build their ICAP.

32 PS Plan of Study = Rich Conversation

33 Connections

34 Individual Career and Academic Plan (ICAP) is the new Colorado state requirement for all students in grades 6-12. The ICAP process assists every student in setting life goals and forming a plan to achieve their goals. The ICAP will help students select a pathway of relevant coursework in Middle School and High School, based on their interests and desired career goals. ICAP is designed to provide each student opportunities to discover their talents and carefully plan a school program that develops marketable skills for life after graduation. DHS ICAP definition:

35 How is this related to our Strategic Plan? Strategy 3: “ Standards of Excellence” – integrate 21 st Century Skills Specific Result 2: Establish flexible educational pathways that allow all students to leave high school ready to enter the workforce and/or post Secondary Education. No.3: Identify additional educational pathways necessary to meet the needs of all students.

36 Also: Strategy 4: We will fully engage every student in meaningful, relevant, authentic learning experiences. Specific Result 2: Engage every student in developing & implementing a plan to accomplish personal, educational and postsecondary goals. No. 6: Student begin their plan in 6 th grade and all secondary students review their growth plans before class choices are made for the subsequent years.

37 Merino



40 CTE and PWR for ICAP

41 Postsecondary & Workforce Ready Learning & Behavior Skills Content Knowledge Social Studies & Social Sciences Social, cultural, historical concepts Interpret sources, evaluate evidence, build conceptual frameworks Civic responsibility & political process Interpret from a global perspective Arts & Humanities Shaping of culture Instruments of social & political thought Awareness of innovators Science Scientific method Draw conclusions Core concepts of disciplines Scientific concepts can be challenged Literacy Read with understanding & write coherently Employ English properly & fluently Use logic & rhetoric Access primary & secondary sources Find and Use Information & IT Creativity & Innovation Collaboration Critical Thinking & Problem Solving Civic Responsibility Communication Personal Responsibility Global & Cultural Awareness Work Ethic Mathematical Sciences Be quantitatively literate Algebraic & geometric principles Problem solving Data & statistics

42 Resources at your fingertips! CDE: CTE: CiC: CiC Wiki Site:

43 Colorado Professional Organizations to connect to: –CSCA –CACTE –CCDA –CCHS/CR –Colorado Council for ACT

44 Relevant Publications PWR Description (CDE) Assessment Attributes (CDE) Proposed PWR Endorsed Diploma Criteria Graduation Guidelines Report Expanded Learning Opportunities Report ICAP Rules and Attributes

45 Next Steps: Share this archived webinar with your administrators/leaders Reach out to some of the models shared and collaborate! Develop your action plan – with scope, sequence, roles and results Look for us here: –Reconvened ICAP Stakeholder group –Presentations at upcoming Summer Conferences & PD days Future Tuesday Tutorials March 13 th 3-3:45pm ICAP Bookends & the FutureICAP Bookends & the Future March 27 th 3-3:45pm Resources and Creative Collaboration for ICAPResources and Creative Collaboration for ICAP April 17 th 3- 3:45pm ICAP and Making Meaning for PartnershipsICAP and Making Meaning for Partnerships

46 Questions ?

47 Contact us CDHE: Misti Ruthven Gully Stanford CDE: Deb Hodson Judy Martinez CCCS/CTE: Lauren Jones

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