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Presentation on theme: "Fruits."— Presentation transcript:

1 Fruits

2 orange

3 種子 橘皮 心皮 油腺層 白層

4 http://visual. merriam-webster

5 Pip 籽 Structure formed by the development of a fertile ovule; it contains an embryo and nutrient reserves that enable a new plant to grow. exocarp 外果皮 Fruit’s outer layer, covering the mesocarp. Mesocarp 中果皮 Designates the whitish part of the rind of a citrus fruit. juice sac 汁囊 Each of the small juice-filled pockets that combine to make up the fruit’s pulp. seed 種子

6 wall 壁 Thin membrane separating the citrus fruit into segments. rind 橘皮 Fruit’s outer layer covering the pulp, composed of an outer colored part and an inner part made of whitish tissue. pulp 果肉 Fleshy portion of the citrus fruit, composed of small juice-filled pockets in every segment. zest (=flavedo) 香腺層 Outer scented layer of the citrus fruit’s rind. It produces an essence used in baking and an essential oil. segment 片(瓣) Part of a citrus fruit surrounded by a thin membrane containing the pulp and seeds; each segment derives from separate ovaries within a single flower.

7 grapefruit


9 apple (Pyrus)

10 http://visual. merriam-webster

11 peduncle 果梗 Part of the fruit that once attached it to the terminal offshoot of the twig or branch. stamen 雄蕊 Remnant of the flower’s stamens, visible as small hairs in the center of the depression on the bottom of the fruit. style 花柱 Visible remnant of the flower’s style, now withered, that once connected the stigma to the ovary. Exocarp 外果皮 Fruit’s outer layer, covering the mesocarp. Endocarp 內果皮 The stiff inner layer of the fruit, surrounding and protecting the seed and covering the loculi. seed 種子 Structure formed by the development of a fertile ovule; it contains an embryo and nutrient reserves that enable a new plant to grow

12 Mesocarp 中果皮 Plump part of the fruit, usually sweet and juicy. loculus 室 Small cavity located under the endocarp, usually containing two seeds. stalk 果梗 Part of the fruit that once attached it to the terminal offshoot of the twig or branch. flesh 果肉 pip 耔 Structure formed by the development of a fertile ovule; it contains an embryo and nutrient reserves that enable a new plant to grow. core 果心 Central inedible part of the apple, comprising the endocarp, the loculi and the seeds within the loculi. sepal 花萼 Remnant of the flower’s sepal, visible as small flowers around a depression on the bottom of the fruit. skin 外皮 Fruit’s outer layer, covering the flesh

13 Pear (Pyrus)

14 Peach(Prunus)

15 Wax apple

16 axile placenta

17 Psidium guajava

18 tomato



21 Diospyros


23 grape



26 Litchi (Lychee)

27 Taiwan fruit web site

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