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E-learning Scoping Exercise for NHS South Central; results and recommendations Alison Wright, E-learning Task Force Manager.

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Presentation on theme: "E-learning Scoping Exercise for NHS South Central; results and recommendations Alison Wright, E-learning Task Force Manager."— Presentation transcript:

1 E-learning Scoping Exercise for NHS South Central; results and recommendations Alison Wright, E-learning Task Force Manager

2 Methodology 1.Organisational strategy 2.Learner support 3.Expertise 4.Infrastructure 5.Quality

3 Principles and aims Collaboration Open access Transferability Sustainability Pedagogically sound Portability Economies of scale Consistency Altruistic Quality assurance Accessibility

4 Current activity

5 1. Organisational strategy

6 75% organisations do not have an e-learning strategy Half of all organisations have chosen to integrate e- learning into a wider learning and development strategy “…it gets a mention.” Strategy development

7 Strategic sponsors Case study: SE Mental Health CEO Group

8 Organisational priorities Statutory and mandatory training Commissioning Recruitment and selection Leadership and management Customer service Long-term conditions CRS training Medicines management People management skills Flu pandemic

9 Assisting strategy development Regular benchmarking Engage senior level executives Partnership working

10 2. Learner Support

11 Common issues Main barriers are: ICT reticence Basic ICT skills Access to equipment Protected time

12 Dedicated e-learning leads Departments involved in providing learner support: –Library services –L&D administration services –ICT helpdesk

13 Case study: Oxfordshire PCT – e-learning champions

14 Developing and engaging organisational e-learning champions

15 3. Expertise

16 E-learning leads –Strategic leadership –Change management –Gaining staff engagement –…and management commitment –Commissioning content –Authoring content

17 “[e-learning] should not be an AOB tagged onto the end of another meeting”.

18 Development for e-learning professionals Development for trainers and tutors Develop organisational intelligence Workshops for national content Start-up & Enhancement packages Establish a regional e-learning group

19 4. Infrastructure

20 Access Case study: Royal Berkshire Healthcare NHS Trust - innovative approaches to access

21 Platforms OLM Enterprise Study Serco Teknical IvySoft Moodle Training Tracker

22 Programs National content –E-learning for Healthcare –NHS Connecting for Health NHS Elite & NHS Health –Core Learning Units


24 Programs Local content –Off the shelf Identified existing opportunities for partnerships! –Outsourced development E-learning companies ‘circling like sharks’! –Internal development 118 courses

25 Exercise

26 The ‘readymade’ adapt & adopt

27 Open Courseware MIT OpenCourseWare – e-learning strategy

28 To support and encourage the adoption of common national e-learning content standards. Any content commissioned centrally to be made available as open courseware.

29 Strengthen ties between NHS CFH and SHA E- learning lead. To influence adoption of common learning outcomes that satisfy NHSLA requirements. To avoid inhibiting innovation. To emphasise IT requirements to support e- learning initiatives. Implementation support for NLMS. Seek accreditation for learning resources.

30 Identification and guidance of reputable providers - pooling evaluation. Central support for commissioning content, co-ordinating purchases of enterprise-wide solutions and identifying potential partnerships.

31 5. Quality

32 Quality E-learning networks – – –CHAIN network WEHT devised evaluation criteria for commissioning Quality checks in the development stages

33 Communication National E-learning Strategy Board National E-learning Management Board SHA E-learning Leads Group NHS South Central E-learning Group Trusts / PCTs


35 To work within national e-learning governance structures To establish agreed criteria for evaluating new products/packages.

36 “It’s great to see all this moving forward!”

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