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Chapter 7 Determine the Relationship of a System of Equations 1/4/2009 Algebra 2 (DM)

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1 Chapter 7 Determine the Relationship of a System of Equations 1/4/2009 Algebra 2 (DM)

2 Medina2 Determining the Relationship of a System of Equations Step 1: Re-write the both equation in slope-intercept form. (Solve for y) Step 2: Find the m & b Step 3: Compare the slopes and y-intercepts to determine if the lines are parallel, perpendicular, coinciding, or intersecting

3 Medina3 Parallel, Perpendicular, Coinciding & Intersecting Lines Parallel Perpendicular m = same b = m = b = different Opposite sign & reciprocal Coinciding m = same b = same Intersecting m = different b = different 1 Solution No Solution Infinite Solutions 1 Solution ( x, y ) different

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