Basics of the Use Cases Editor (UCEd)‏ Stéphane S. Somé SITE, University of Ottawa.

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Presentation on theme: "Basics of the Use Cases Editor (UCEd)‏ Stéphane S. Somé SITE, University of Ottawa."— Presentation transcript:

1 Basics of the Use Cases Editor (UCEd)‏ Stéphane S. Somé SITE, University of Ottawa

2 Use Case Editor (UCEd)‏ A toolset for Use Cases capture and validation  Use Cases edition  Domain model edition  Scenario edition  Use Case & Domain model validation  Use Cases combination in state models  Simulation of executable model derived from Use Cases  Scenario generation

3 Elements of UCEd UCED (Use Case Editor)‏ Simulator Use Cases Editing State Model Synthesis Domain Editing Scenario Editing

4 Use Case Edition Use Case model Use Case description

5 Use Case Model Consists of –Use Cases normal use cases extension use cases –Relationships include extend –extend condition –Actors

6 Use Cases Template (1)‏ Normal Use Case

7 Use Cases Template (2)‏ Title: a label that uniquely identifies the use case within the use case model. Description: a free form text that summarizes the use case. System Under Design: specifies what is the system in the use case. The system is the entity that react to stimuli from external actors. Primary Actor: the actor that initiates the use case. Participants: other actors participating in the use case. Goal: a statement of the primary actor expectation at the successful completion of the use case.

8 Use Cases Template (3)‏ Follows Use Cases: a list of normal use cases that the use case directly follows. Invariant: a condition that must hold through the use case. Precondition: a condition that must hold before an instance of the use case can be executed. Success Postcondition: a condition that must be true at the end of a successful execution of an instance of the use case. STEPS: a sequence of repeat blocks and steps. ALTERNATIVES: alternatives to steps. Alternative Postcondition: a condition that must be true at the end of an alternative.

9 Use Case Description - Conditions Two types of conditions Simple conditions  Entity bound conditions: based on domain entities  Non-Entity bound conditions: declared verbatim in the domain model Compound conditions  negation, conjunction, disjunction of simple conditions

10 Use Case Description Syntax Entity bound Condition [determinant] entity verb value  Optional determinant: a, an, or the  Entity: sequence of words naming an entity in the domain model (see later)‏  Verb can be one of: is, isn't, is not, are, aren't, are not, has, hasn't, has not, have, haven't, have not  Value: sequence of words defined as entity state characterization comparison

11 Use Case Description - Conditions Examples of Entity bound Conditions  The User Card is not valid  User number of attempts is > 3  The System Display is blinking  System registered users are less than 10 ....

12 Use Case Description - Conditions Compound Conditions  Negation NO condition NOT condition  e.g. “Not User identification is valid”.  Conjunction condition AND condition  Disjunction condition OR condition

13 Use Case Description - Steps Operation execution  Sentence describing an action by an actor or the system under design  Must be a simple sentence in the present tense  Examples: The User inserts a card ATM ejects the user's card The system displays a pin enter prompt Branching – refers to a step in the main scenario  GOTO 5.

14 Use Case Description - Steps Steps may be constrained by guard condition and/or a delay IFTHEN Guard conditions are specified with IF... THEN  e.g. IF User identification is invalid THEN ATM ejects card AFTER Delays are specified with AFTER  e.g. AFTER 10 sec, ATM ejects card

15 Use Case Description – Step alternatives Alternative behavior that may follow the step Include  alternative condition condition under which the extension takes place  steps Alternative steps can not have further alternatives  alternative postcondition postcondition when the alternative is taken

16 Use Case Description – Step alternatives Alternative condition – may be  a delay  condition, or  combination of delays and condition statement Examples  after 30 sec  before 2 min AND after 20 sec  The User identification is not valid  after 60 sec, IF Bank hasn't responded

17 Example of use case description (1)‏ Title:User login System Under Design:PMSystem Description:This use case describes a login process in the PMSystem. The use case is executed by a User (Doctor or Nurse). Primary Actor: User Participants: Goal: A User want to identify herself in order to use a PM system. Precondition: System is ON AND NO user is logged in turn system on Follows Use Cases: turn system on Steps: 1: The User inserts a Card in the card slot 2: The PMSystem asks for PIN 3: The User types a PIN 4: The PMSystem validates the USER identification 5: IF the USER identification is valid THEN The PMSystem displays a welcome message to the USER 6: After 60 sec The PMSystem ejects the Card Success Postcondition:User is logged in

18 Alternatives: 1a: User Card is inserted 1a1: User presses cancel button 1a2: PMSystem ejects Card Alternative Postcondition: User is not logged in 1b: The Card is not regular 1b1: The PMSystem emits an alarm 1b2: After 20 sec The System ejects the Card Alternative Postcondition: User is not logged in 2a: after 60 seconds 2a1: PMSystem emits alarm 2a2: After 20 sec PMSystem ejects Card Alternative Postcondition: User is not logged in 4a: The user identification is invalid AND number of attempts is less than 4 4a1: Goto Step 2 4b: User identification is invalid AND number of attempts is equal to 4 4b1: The PMSystem emits an alarm 4b2: After 20 sec PMSystem ejects the Card Alternative Postcondition: User is not logged in Example of use case description (2)‏

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