What Do We Do……? Prepare for college and a successful life as an adult.

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Presentation on theme: "What Do We Do……? Prepare for college and a successful life as an adult."— Presentation transcript:

1 What Do We Do……? Prepare for college and a successful life as an adult

2 Who Am I? Dedicated teacher for 26 years (high school through 4 th grade) Single Subject and Multiple Subject Credentials Masters’ degree in Education, Emphasis: Technology & Reading Married for 29 years 3 adult children & one grandchild – all Carlton Hills alumni Love soccer, reading, camping, reading, hiking, reading, kayaking, reading, paddle- boarding, diving, biking, cooking, travel, and learning

3 What Do I Believe? Every child can learn Your child’s choices determine success or struggle Working hard and not giving up is more important than being “smart” Overcoming difficulty develops strength and determination Attitude is everything Education prepares your student for success in a world that doesn’t yet exist

4 What Will We Do This Year? Common Core Lets Us: Think Critically Collaborate Communicate Create Transform and grow! We’re Gonna….. Click on photo for video link

5 Grades Scores Will Be “Messy”  “Mastery” scores – do NOT match letter grades AT ALL!  4 – Above and beyond in terms of depth, complexity, detail, & support – all the time  3 – Grade level appropriate– in all situations, with appropriate explanations, all the time  2 – Approaching standard, but still working to “get it” and be able to explain it consistently  1 – completely lost – needs extra help  Some assignments will have a % out of 100 to give parents a base for comparison  NO AVERAGING! Score is can your child do “it” or not on a regular basis  Critical thinking, collaboration, creativity, and being able to communicate your learning is crucial! We are moving far beyond “a, b, c, d”

6 Math & Reading Math - number sense and being able to solve problems in a VARIETY of different ways DreamBox – must pass 5-8 “Gold coin” lessons each week. *Parents can listen to their thinking, but don’t actually help Reading -finding evidence to PROVE your answers, inferring, and making connections Just the right answer won’t work unless you can explain how and WHY you got that answer Thinking outside the box, working together, and explaining your ideas will lead to success Fluency still counts – so work on those multiplication facts and reading skills

7 Yes, You All Get an iPad This Year! Every student will be given an iPad to use for the year First we must complete lessons on appropriate digital citizenship iPads should arrive late October/early November. More info will follow We will use our iPads extensively throughout the school day They are a tool for learning! Video (5:32 minutes)Video

8 What Do I Expect From Parents? Sign the homework calendar each day Be involved in your child’s education: –talk with your child about what he/she is learning –Give encouragement, support, and praise –Remind your child that “college bound” is an attitude, a goal, and a lifetime endeavor –Review work & assist with correcting misconceptions or wrong answers –Support the value of education in your daily life –Monitor homework time Provide a quiet place and time for homework Check the website frequently Talk to me if you have a concern

9 Communication – We Need to Work Together Send a note with your student Friday Folders-read teacher notes or write a note Class Website (your child knows how to find)http://teachers.santee.k12.ca.us/ bennetthttp://teachers.santee.k12.ca.us/ bennett Phone calls (258-3430) **does ring in the classroom Email (robynn.bennett@santeesd.net) Stop by before or after class Schedule a conference

10 Homework Daily homework should be reading (30-60 min) and approximately 30 minutes of other work for a maximum of one hour Homework must be done EACH night! Homework must show effort and mastery (must show the work in math). If stuck, attempt something so I know where your child became confused To avoid the crunch, work on typing a little each night. Your child (yes at 9 years old) should be typing EVERY SINGLE NIGHT If HW is taking too long – find out what part is HOME work and what part is SCHOOL work caused by wasted class time

11 Rest of Slides - FYI

12 What are Toreros? Teachable- Ready to learn. Organized- Materials and papers logically ordered so we can easily find and access information. Respectful- Treat others as valuable and important. Enthusiastic- Excited about learning. Responsible- Taking ownership of my choices and my own learning. It’s up to me! Optimistic- Expecting the best!

13 Our Focus is “College Bound” My job is to prepare your child for college and to be a contributing adult in the real world We will use language, vocabulary, curriculum, activities, and responsibilities that equip students to be successful in the future Our classroom “college” is the University of San Diego GO TOREROS! College bound, no excuses!

14 Is This Your Child? Click on the photo for the video link Think About It……

15 Was this your summer?

16 Learning Is Up To Your Child!

17 Don’t Let The Future Slip By

18 For a Fabulous Year, Expect Your Child To……. Contribute positively Be involved Ask questions and participate Work together with others Share the learning Push beyond what they know now Embrace “I can’t YET” rather than “I can’t” and “I will try to find the answer” before “Help” Accept responsibility for learning Have fun!

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