Models-3 Users’ Workshop Raleigh, North Carolina October 21-23, 2002 Recent Applications of MM5, SMOKE, and CMAQ in Canada J. Wayne Boulton*, Mike Lepage,

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Presentation on theme: "Models-3 Users’ Workshop Raleigh, North Carolina October 21-23, 2002 Recent Applications of MM5, SMOKE, and CMAQ in Canada J. Wayne Boulton*, Mike Lepage,"— Presentation transcript:

1 Models-3 Users’ Workshop Raleigh, North Carolina October 21-23, 2002 Recent Applications of MM5, SMOKE, and CMAQ in Canada J. Wayne Boulton*, Mike Lepage, Xin Qiu, Martin Gauthier RWDI West Inc. (RWDI Group of Companies) Guelph, Ontario, Canada

2 Air Quality Modelling MM5SMOKE CMAQ

3 MM5 Southern Ontario / Northeastern US  July 7 - 17, 1995 (NARSTO)  36,12, 4 km domains Southern Ontario / Northeastern US  July 13 - 17, 1999  36,12, 4 km domains Southern Ontario, Quebec and Maritimes  July 11 - 19, 1999  36 km (expanded domain) Southern Alberta  August 1 - 5, 1999  36,12, 4 km domains

4 MM5 (Cont’d) Pearl River Delta (Hong Kong and Southern China)  11 different episodes  1.5 km grid resolution over large domain  sensitivity runs and quantitative analyses Pacific Northwest IAQMP (ongoing)  Pacific 2001 and winter 2003 episodes  UBC running MC2 at 4 km grid spacing over large, transboundary domain  RWDI converting MC2 output for input to MCIP

5 MM5 (Cont’d) Southern Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes July 11 - 19, 1999

6 SMOKE Southern Ontario / Northeastern US  July 13 - 17, 1999  36,12, 4 km domains for various applications:  Environment Canada  City of Toronto  Sithe Energies Canada Ltd. Province of Alberta  Dummy meteorological period  20 Spatial Surrogates developed on two map projections:  grid resolution = 0.05° Lon. by 0.025° Lat.  grid resolution = 4 km

7 SMOKE (Cont’d) Spatial Surrogates for Alberta, Canada

8 SMOKE (Cont’d) Canada West Emission Inventory  Canadian 1995 CAC emission data  Canadianised cross-reference files  13 spatial surrogates at 4 km grid spacing  Developed “SMOKE-In” database utility / tool  Developed “EI-View” data viewer Pacific Northwest IAQMP (ongoing)  Pacific 2001 and winter 2003 episodes  Joint US / Canada emission inventory and spatial surrogates at 4 km grid spacing  Transboundary and forest fire emission scenarios planned

9 SMOKE (Cont’d) SMOKE-In  Microsoft ACCESS Database Tool  Import multiple Environment Canada NET and SMOKE IDA files  Query, sort, apply growth factors, QA/QC, etc.  Export SMOKE IDA and EI-View data files

10 SMOKE (Cont’d) EI-View  ARCVIEW 3.2a extension  Input SMOKE-In emission tables  Plot emissions (tons / year) by county or spatial surrogate

11 CMAQ Southern Ontario / Northeastern US  July 13 - 17, 1999  36,12, 4 km domains for:  Environment Canada  City of Toronto  Sithe Energies Canada Ltd. Southern Ontario / Northeastern US  February 3 - 13, 1998  36 km runs for Environment Canada  MEPPS outputs provided by Ontario Ministry of the Environment Southern Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes  July 11 - 19, 1999  36 km (expanded domain)

12 CMAQ (Cont’d) Pacific Northwest IAQMP  Episodes:  Pacific 2001 (August)  Winter 2003  Transboundary and forest fire emission scenarios planned  Model evaluation on:  PM  ozone  visibility sample domain

13 CMAQ (Cont’d) Southern Ontario, Quebec and the Maritimes July 11 - 19, 1999

14 CMAQ (Cont’d) Southern Ontario - Hypothetical Power Plant Emissions July 11 - 19, 1999

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