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LAB 3 RESPIRATORY / QUIZ QUESTION 1 Define the following terms: Atelectasis Bronchiectasis.

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Presentation on theme: "LAB 3 RESPIRATORY / QUIZ QUESTION 1 Define the following terms: Atelectasis Bronchiectasis."— Presentation transcript:

1 LAB 3 RESPIRATORY / QUIZ QUESTION 1 Define the following terms: Atelectasis Bronchiectasis

2 Slide 1 Morphological Dx Possible etiology:

3 Slide 2 Morphological Dx Possible etiology:

4 Slide 2 Name the disease Describe the pathogenesis:

5 Rule outs? Outbreak Respiratory Disease Several animals are sick or died with severe respiratory problems

6 Bovine Respiratory Complex (BRD) Enzootic pneumonia of calves: P. multocida, M. haemolytica, Mycoplasmas Shipping Fever: M. haemolyica A1 Viral respiratory infections: Parainfluenza-3 (PI-3 virus), Bovine Respiratory Syncytial Virus, Bovne Herpes Virus-1 (IBR), Bovine Viral Diarrhea (BVD)? Atypical Interstitial Pneumonia : Bovine Pulmonary Edema dn Emphysema, Hypersensitivity Pneumonitis Toxic gases

7 Clinical examination: Pyrexia 41C Mucopurulent nasal discharge, moist cough Increased bronchial sounds and crackles Clinical pathology: Leukocytosis with neutrophilia Increased plasma fibrinogen Presumptive diagnosis? Laboratory Findings

8 Two steers were sent for necropsy What would you expect to see grossly in the thoracic cavity? Two steers were sent for necropsy What would you expect to see grossly in the thoracic cavity?


10 What would be the texture of consolidated lung What would you expect to see grossly on cut surface of the lung? Feedlot

11 What would be the texture of consolidated lung What would you expect to see grossly on cut surface of the lung? Feedlot

12 What do you expect to see microscopically Questions

13 Pathogenesis of the disease Is prevention possible? Questions

14 5-year-old DLH, intact, male cat In the last four weeks the owner noticed: Poor appetite Weight loss Not playing or exercising Taken to the veterinarian Thoracic pain on palpation Dull sound on thoracic percussion X rays showed: obscure cardiac silhouette poor pulmonary detail “Tiger”

15 Ruled-outs: What tests would your recommend? “Tiger” Laboratory Results CBC: Leukocytosis, neutrophilia Thoracocenthesis:

16 This effusion is most likely: a.- Hydrothorax b.- Chylothorax c.- Pyothorax

17 What would you see grossly ? Do you expect extensive pulmonary involvement? Pathogenesis? What would expect to see microscopically “ Tiger ” The cat deteriorated in spite of treatment -Euthanasia


19 What would be the other differential diagnoses in a cat with effusion?: Gross appearance of the effusion fluid Gross lesions in postmortem examination Biochemical analyses of the effusion Cytological examination of the effusion

20 Gross lesions on postmortem examination Cytology? Chylothorax

21 2-year-old Rottweiler Chronic cough Exercise intolerance Morphological Dx Most likely etiology

22 “Thunder”


24 What would you expect to see in the lungs? Grossly Microscopically

25 Diagnosis? Too Much Tequila

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