2010 Construction Contract Standards Training Part 2 2010 Standard Specifications November 2011.

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1 2010 Construction Contract Standards Training Part 2 2010 Standard Specifications November 2011

2 2010 Standard Specifications Divided into 11 Divisions and 99 Sections Some sections are moved and renamed, reserved, and added Division XI, Building Construction is added

3 outline Standard Specification changes 2006 Boilerplate SSP’s that need to be manually inserted SSP’s that have moved Supplemental work items

4 Standard Spec Highlights Division I Section 1-1.02 Style Variations – brief listing of plain language change and terms1-1.02

5 Standard Spec Highlights Section 1-1.06 Abbreviations, includes a Bid Item List Abbreviations table. Section 4-1.03 Work description - instructs the contractor to construct the work described in the Notice to Bidders and the contract. So prepare a good work description.

6 2010 Standard Specifications changes Section 4-1.05 Changes and Extra Work. (was Section 4-1.03D Extra Work in the amendments and 2006). “Extra work” is now called “change order work”. See the “Wording Changes” in your tools binder on how to state it. Section 4-1.06 Differing Site Conditions. (was Section 5-1.116 of the amendments)

7 Standard Spec changes We moved but we’re still bid items Section 8-1.02 Schedule. (was Section 8- 1.04 Progress Schedule in the amendments) There are 3 Levels of CPM Schedule in 2010. Section 9-1.11 Time Related Overhead. (was SSP 08-017 or 08-018)

8 2010 Standard Specifications changes Payment is now in Section 9. You need to be familiar and know this section as you QA or write a spec. Section 9-1.16D Mobilization. (was Section 9-1.07D in the amendments and Section 11 of the 2006 Std Specs.)

9 2010 Standard Specifications (Continued) Division I General Provisions Division II General Construction to Division X Materials. Division XI Building Construction. There is only one section in this division. Provisions are all going to be SSPs that will be added in this section.

10 Moved to the city 5-1.32 Areas for Use (was SSP S5-240 Areas for Contractor’s Use) p. 43 5-1.32 7-1.07B Seal Coat Claims (was SSP S5- 200 Damage Claims) p. 77 7-1.07B 13-4 Job Site Management (was SSP 7- 346 Construction Site Management) p. 174 13-4

11 Ex boilerplate SSP’s 2-1.03 Mandatory Pre-bid Meeting (was S2-100) 2-1.03 3-1.18 Early return /early start (S3-092) 3-1.18 8-1.04D 5-1.09A Partnering (Dispute Resolution) (was S5-155) 5-1.09A 8-1.10A cost for Cost + Time (renter) 8-1.10A

12 New address SSP 2-1.06B Supplemental Project Information. (was SSP S5-280) SSP 2-1.06B SSP 5-1.20C Railroad Relations. (was Section 13 Railroad Relations) Old Section 4 SSP 8-1.04C Delayed start SSP 8-1.04F Flex start (Smart start) SSP 8-1.04F

13 New address SSP 9-1.16C partial pay (was S5-250) SSP 9-1.16C New tool – Bid Item ListBid Item List

14 Moved to a new neighborhood but please don’t forget us Need Supplemental Work Items Section 4-1.07C Value Analysis Workshop. (was section 4-1.035 in the amendments). Section 5-1.09 Partnering. (was Section 5- 1.012 in the amendments) Section 5-1.43E(2) Dispute Resolution Advisor for contracts worth $3M to $10M. Section 5-1.43E(3) Dispute Resolution Board for contract worth over $10M.

15 Moved to a new neighborhood but please don’t forget us Need Supplemental Work Items Section 9-1.07 Payment Adjustments for Price Index Fluctuations. (also rented) SW item (066670)

16 Moved to a new neighborhood but please don’t forget us Need State Furnished M’tls & Expenses item SSP 6-2.03 Department-Furnished Materials. (was S8-M10 State Furnished Materials) SSP 6-2.03

17 Moving out of town Section 7-1.11D Training. (was Section 7-1.50D in the amendments) The number of trainees or apprentices for the federal training program moved to the Notice to Bidders.

18 2010 Standard Plans Incorporated 2006 NSPs and RSPs Revised texts to all uppercase, except abbreviations, symbols and notes Relocated “Specs” from Std Plans to Std Specifications

19 2010 Standard Plans Deleted 2006 Std Plan T7, Const Project Funding ID Sign, in the 2010 Std Plans. SSP refers to HQ Traffic Ops. Web site for details. Did not include proprietary crash cushions and MBGR terminal system end treatments

20 2010 Standard Plans Updated technical contents: Revised standard MBGR height from 27- 3/4" to 29" per FHWA memo Redesigned crib walls, retaining walls and box culverts based on Load and Resistance Factor Design (LRFD) There’s a digest of changes on the web site under the Std Plans link.digest of changes

21 2010 Standard Plans List Process works the same Edit the same as for previous editions Place the edited Std Plans list at the beginning of the SP_TEMPLATE (template)

22 2010 Standard Specifications (Continued) Any questions?














36 Eligible Partial Pay Items







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