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Unit 9.2_Lesson 2_CD Resource 2f_Plenary Gantt charts From the Gantt Chart answer the question.

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1 Unit 9.2_Lesson 2_CD Resource 2f_Plenary Gantt charts From the Gantt Chart answer the question

2 Unit 9.2_Lesson 2_CD Resource 2f_Plenary Gantt charts Gantt chart software and example reproduced courtesy of VirtualBoss 2. What is the approximate start date of the project? 1.What type of project does Gantt chart show? 3. What task takes the longest? How long does it take? 4. How long does the project take from start to finish?

3 Unit 9.2_Lesson 2_CD Resource 2f_Plenary Gantt charts 1.What type of project does Gantt chart show? 2. What is the approximate start date of the project? 3. What task takes the longest? How long does it take? 4. When does the project end? What do you think happens after that?

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