Shelley College Key Stage 5 Evening Welcome. Objectives of Tonight’s Presentation 1) Outline our ethos and expectations 2) Explain the structure of the.

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1 Shelley College Key Stage 5 Evening Welcome

2 Objectives of Tonight’s Presentation 1) Outline our ethos and expectations 2) Explain the structure of the Sixth Form courses 3) Give advice on the support systems in place for students 4) Provide information on our monitoring process 5) Outline procedures for absences

3 Ethos and Expectations Work to achieve potential Supportive learning environment Contribute to the school community Independent and self-managed learners

4 fewer units of study fewer structured questions, and more open-ended questions which require extended essay responses more questions which require a synoptic overview of the subject the introduction of an extended project the introduction of a new A* grade which recognises very high achievement. (for A2) Changes from September 2008

5 Unit 1Unit 2 Unit 3Unit 4 = 50% A and Applied A Level Structure AS level A level

6 Curriculum Package In Y12 most students will study 4 AS subjects plus AS General Studies Y13 most students will drop one of their AS subjects and just focus on 3 A Levels plus A Level General Studies Each single AS subject has 9 hours of taught lessons over a fortnight with the exception of General Studies that has 2 hours per fortnight. Students complete i-mods as additional work Students are also offered a range of enrichment activities. Examples include Duke of Edinburgh Award, UCAS Progression Module and Cooking.

7 Applied A level Course Structure Equivalent to an AS/A level 6 units (Art is 12 units and equal to 2 A levels) Usually examination 33% and coursework 66% Applied A Levels in Art, ICT, Science and Business BTEC National in Sport – 2 year course – 100% coursework

8 Structure of courses Half of the course often finished in the first 3 months! June – students start the A levels immediately after AS level exams

9 BTEC First Diploma Course Structure Students follow a combination of : Sport Studies and Travel & Tourism Each full certificate is equivalent to 4 GCSEs Usually examination 33% and coursework 66%

10 Student Support Tutorials Individual tutorials Whole tutor group tutorials Subject teachers Mentoring Ancillary staff

11 Study habits – the key to success Well organised Sixth Form study room & library Time management and flexibility Research/Coursework/Essays/Presentations/Art work Suitable work environment at home Approximately 15-20 hours a week of self-study Maximum of 10 hours part time work

12 Reaching Potential Potential A level grades calculated on entry Based on GCSE performance National benchmark system Communicated to students and teachers Target setting Used as a basis for judging performance

13 Key Dates 13 th November 2009 Monitoring Home & Review Day 20 th Nov January 2010 – AS exams in a number of subject areas (no study leave) 29 th January 2010 – second set of monitoring results go home 9 th February 2010 - Parents’ Evening 26 th March 2010 – third set of monitoring results go home 18 th May – 11 th June 2010 – Y12 Study leave for AS exams 25 th June 2010 – final set of monitoring home 2 nd July 2010- Final Review Day

14 Monitoring (continued) Monitoring grades Target Grades (this will be shown as 3 grades) Potential Target Grades Predicted grade in the subject Attitude Independent Learning

15 Rewards Award ceremonies Certificates & Fingerprint credit Bursaries Postcards Tutor phone calls Monitoring Planner Comments

16 Absences Request for authorised absence 24 hours in advance Illness – phone in on day of illness by 10.00am and then students can self-sign on their return & bring notes from home Absence monitored If attendance is poor then: Examination fees may be charged Withdrawal from Course/Sixth Form

17 Education Maintenance Allowance Students complete the internal attendance sheet each week Must be handed in by Tuesday 9.00am the following week Bonuses paid if students meet targets January/July Year 12

18 The Student Voice There is a 6 th form committee that meets regularly to make decisions (yr12/yr13) Tutor reps feedback to groups Departments canvass students views ‘Open-door’ policy in the 6 th form office 6th form working party looking at future changes

19 Thank you for coming

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