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Today’s Agenda (4/27/15): 1)Congress Review 2)Today’s Central Questions 3)Resolving Conflicts in Society (Outside of Court) 4)Conflict Resolution: How.

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Presentation on theme: "Today’s Agenda (4/27/15): 1)Congress Review 2)Today’s Central Questions 3)Resolving Conflicts in Society (Outside of Court) 4)Conflict Resolution: How."— Presentation transcript:

1 Today’s Agenda (4/27/15): 1)Congress Review 2)Today’s Central Questions 3)Resolving Conflicts in Society (Outside of Court) 4)Conflict Resolution: How To and How NOT to Mediate


3 Review: Differences Between the House and Senate

4 Analysis: What to Watch for in the 2014 Midterms Your Question: What fact/statement from this article stood out to you the most concerning the issues in the upcoming 2014 Midterms?

5 Obama’s Deal - Review

6 Today’s Central Questions: What do we mean by the term “conflict”? What methods/means do you know of do we use to potentially “solve” a conflict? What conditions/characteristics are needed to effectively solve a conflict?

7 Resolving Conflicts in Society

8 What is Conflict? Having simple disagreements Failing to see eye-to- eye on certain issues Possibly using violence against someone else

9 Conflict (cont’d) Normally, we settle our conflicts two ways: 1) having a court of law legally decide the outcome for us (this can be expensive and also time consuming) 2) more often, we use methods to settle conflicts ourselves (out- of-court)

10 Negotiation People in a conflict talk about their problems 1) popular way to settle disputes between individuals 2) goal is to reach an agreeable solution through talking the problem out

11 Negotiation (cont’d) Can be done face-to- face, in groups, or through representatives (such as attorneys)

12 Mediation An outside party helps two sides talk about problems and settle differences Mediators DO NOT make any final decisions; their position must be neutral through the process The Secretariat Branch of the United Nations is one of the best known international mediation groups in the world

13 Mediation (cont’d) Key Elements to Mediation 1) allow disputing parties to “air their feelings” about each other 2) get disputing parties to concentrate on how they will work or live together when the mediation ends Marriage counselors are paid to help couples mediate their problems/issues

14 Arbitration Having a third party listen to and decide on a disputed issue Both parties formally agree in writing that decision made by an arbitrator is final If arbitrator’s ruling is broken or not followed, the offending party can be sued in civil court On February 21 st, 2008, an arbitrator awarded then 27-year- old Philadelphia Phillies first baseman Ryan Howard a $10 million 1 year contract (to this day it remains tied for the highest amount ever awarded in Major League Baseball)

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