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Winter Term 2013 Spring Faculty Workshop April 12, 2012.

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1 Winter Term 2013 Spring Faculty Workshop April 12, 2012

2 Workshop Dates and Topics 1. Thursday, April 124:15-6:15 pm Lessons from WT 2012 & ideas for the Spring meeting; Awards! 2. August – Planning Week Shared ideas in pedagogy & some logistics 3. Thursday, November 1 4:00-7:00 pm Working with students in crisis; health & insurance [includes dinner]

3 Today’s Agenda: 1.Some WT 2012 and 2013 Data 2.Budget and Logistics Update 3.ICIC Co-Leader Expectations 4.Best Practices Discussion 5.Reminders for the Spring Meetings 6.Group Building Strategies 7.Awards! (must be present to win)

4 Essay Responses Let us know on the sheet circulating if you would like copies from the application of the short answers that your students prepared in response to the following: 1.What led you to select this particular study abroad program? 2.In what ways do you think the culture(s) of the country(ies) you will visit will be the same as the culture of the United States? In what ways do you expect the culture(s) to be different? 3.How will you prepare yourself for the differences in culture, academics, and so on? How do you think you will be challenged by these differences? Let us know if you have ideas for prompts for next year.

5 Comparing WT 12 & 13 Winter Term20122013 Total # of programs offered starting with/ending with 33/2631/31? # of accepted students as of April 11562583 # of service designated courses33 # of new programs75

6 Logistical Updates Please forward to Cindy Duke ( your STA syllabi. We need 100% of the syllabi for SACS. Please let us know if you would NOT like us to share your syllabus as a model for future faculty All domestic flights for leaders will be booked through Aladdin. Aladdin will contact each of you to coordinate your flight arrangements. We will produce all emergency information on a USB drive rather than written handbook. One of the co- leaders should be responsible for knowing what is on it & keeping it safe. We hope in coming years to get one ICIC staff member out in January to join parts of one or two courses.

7 Plan B Within the last 3 years we have had 6 situations where we have faced the issue of a faculty leader that might not be able to go or might need to return early, so we need to develop a viable Plan B. 1.Each co-leader should be prepared to lead the teaching of the course on their own, in case one leader is unable to go. 2.ICIC will have staff prepared to fill in as a second (non-teaching) leader if an emergency arises (necessary immunizations, visas …).

8 ICIC Co-Leader Expectations The most important task is to develop and teach a successful STA course in the Fall and class in the Winter, but we also hope all course leaders will: Attend all WT faculty workshops. Assist with recruiting for under enrolled classes. Know and review the info on your USB; for example, review the PIF’s before you depart. Accompany students to and from the site abroad, and have one course leader on all planned visits/excursions. Work with ICIC to collect necessary info from students (we hope this process will be easier with our new software).

9 Sharing Best Practices-Fall STAs 1.Itinerary and expectations 2.Use of past students 3.Preparing students for host culture(s) 4.Group building ideas 5.Preparing students for the workload during the Fall STA course, while abroad and, if any, upon return

10 Spring Class-Reminders Remind students that the STA course is a requirement for the WT course. If they have a course conflict for the STA they should consider a different program. Remember to use the Spring meeting to make sure the students understand that this is a serious course (both STA and WT) for a grade and with high expectations for academic performance. It is better to lose in the spring any student who is in the course for the wrong reason. Remind them that they need to withdraw via the application system OR email ICIC to withdraw (they cannot drop in Ontrack or just tell the professor).

11 Group Building Exercises We believe this to be important because: The success of your class depends in part on the ability of your students to function well as a group Unlike a class on campus, you are together 24/7 for 3 weeks; seemingly isolated problems can affect the whole program If the students and leaders function well together as a group, the students will police each other and help prevent problems It is easier to assign roles to students if they are a well-functioning group

12 Group-building is not a single exercise, but more of an evolution that might start with an exercise. There is no “Easy Button” and no one size fits all. Over the summer ICIC will put on our faculty resources website some team building exercises and ideas that you might consider using. Let us know what you have used successfully in the past so that we can add it to this site. We will also enlist some Elon staff members who would help to facilitate an initial team-building exercise in your Fall STA, if you would be interested. Group Building Ideas

13 New Awards!! The Florence Nightingale award $50 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble The Price Waterhouse award $50 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble The Mark Twain award $50 gift certificate to Barnes & Noble Plus all the rights and privileges pertaining thereto

14 Thanks for your time and patience. Please help us improve these workshops by completing the on-line evaluation prepared by Donna Van Bodegraven

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