APII APII & TEIN Update: New Agenda & Initiative(2) APAN-18/North Asia 5 July 2004, Cairns, AU Bo-Hyun SEO Director of APII-CC, KISDI Member of ANF Council,

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Presentation on theme: "APII APII & TEIN Update: New Agenda & Initiative(2) APAN-18/North Asia 5 July 2004, Cairns, AU Bo-Hyun SEO Director of APII-CC, KISDI Member of ANF Council,"— Presentation transcript:

1 APII APII & TEIN Update: New Agenda & Initiative(2) APAN-18/North Asia 5 July 2004, Cairns, AU Bo-Hyun SEO Director of APII-CC, KISDI Member of ANF Council, KR seo@kisdi.re.kr

2 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 2 KR-RENs & Int’l links KR-RENs KOREN (MIC)  Korea Advanced Research Network (managed by NCA)  Int’l links: KR-JP, KR-SG, KR-US*, KR-CN*, (KR-MY) KREONET (MOST)  Korea Research Environment Open Network (managed by KISTI)  KR-US*, KR-CN* Int’l links: APII & TEIN APII KR-JP, KR-SG; APII/Kreonet2 KR-US, KR-CN; TEIN KR-FR Managed by APII-CC, KISDI KR-US*, KR-CN* are co-shared by KISDI & KISTI Int’l links should serve for both NRENs

3 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 3 APII & TEIN Update (2004) APII KR-JP 1Gbps >> (10Gbps)  To be upgraded to enhance global connectivity KR-US 155Mbps >> 1Gbps*  Upgraded in May 2004 KR-SG6Mbps >> 8Mbps* **  Upgraded in May 2004 KR-CN155Mbps ⅹ 2  To launch a new link, end of July or early August TEIN (KR-FR)34Mbps >> 155+Mbps

4 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 4 New APII Link: KR-CN Nov 2003: Visit to Beijing KR-CN link  MIC(KR) & MoE(CN)  KISDI & CERNET  KISTI & CNIC Apr 2004: MoU taken b/w KISTI & CNIC May 2004: MoU taken b/w KISDI & CERNET Jun 2004: MoU taken b/w KISDI & KISTI Jul/Aug 2004: KR-CN Link is to open (310 Mbps)  155 Mb/s for KOREN & CERNET (KISDI & CERNET)  155 Mb/s for KREONET & CSTNET (KISTI & CNIC)

5 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 5 4Q2000: ASEM Summit endorsed TEIN Initiative 4Q2001: TEIN Link opened (KR-FR) 3Q2003: EC announced TEIN2 Action  Support ASEM-Asia LDCs (direct beneficiaries) Jan 2004: TEIN2 Information Day (14 Jan 2004, EU)  Participation: TEIN members Jan 2004: Introduction of TEIN2 @ APAN-17  Period: 2004-2007 by DANTE, TEIN2 in operation: 4Q2005 – Dec 2007 TEIN Update.

6 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 6 Mar/Apr: Composition of TEIN2 Tech Com  TC Representative w/ endorsement of Gov’t May 2004: TEIN Seminar & TEIN2 TC-1, KL, MY  Participant: Minister of MEWC, MY & EU Ambassador to MY …  TEIN Seminar (20 May), TEIN2 TC-1 (21 May) Jul 2004: TEIN2 TC-2, Cairns, AU Aug/Sep 2004: TEIN to be upgraded to 155Mb/s Sep 2004: TEIN2 TC-3, Draft Report of Feasibility Study TEIN Update..

7 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 7 TEIN2 TC Attendees  EC+DANTE, All ASEM Asia-members but BN  CJK: CERNET, NICT, KISDI Country Introductions  CN: contribute $2M towards the cost of 2.5Gb/s b/w CN and EU  KR: express a coordinated approach b/w the future of the TEIN link and the TEIN2 developments TEIN2 Capacity Requirements  CN 622-2.5G, MY 10-45, PH 45-155, KR 155-622  Others: expected to put forward soon

8 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 8 Cooperation thru APII Main Agenda Upgrade & Expand APII links in AP Region Enhance R&A on APII links Cooperate toward global connectivity  ie, IRNC, NSF & TEIN  Enhance APII CJK Link as backbone, functioning for inter-continental as well as intra regional Expand to adjacent countries and support R&A activities (ARA & BDD)

9 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 9 R&A projects on TEIN & APII (KR) projects funded by KISDI Mobile IPv6 network in a roaming environment using TEIN (FR) Study on Nano-electronic Transistor using TEIN (ES) Sharing & Application of Water Quality Information (Denmark) Tele-dermatological Service System between Korea-China- Europe using TEIN (Austria, CN) Weather & Climate Forecast and Data Exchange using TEIN (DE) Mobile Embedded Software Production and Testing Technology (DE) Telemedicine integration browsing service using advanced network (JP) International Cultural Performance on IPv6 & HDTV (FR, US)

10 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 10 R&A Working Groups (KR) R&A WGs sponsored by KISDI (2004) Traffic measurement for TEIN & APII Testbeds,  Youngsuk Lee Leeyslee@cs.cnu.ac.krLeeyslee@cs.cnu.ac.kr Application to physical sciences  Dongchul Son Sonson@knu.ac.krSonson@knu.ac.kr Remote joint collaboration by access grid  Jitae Shin jtshin@ece.skku.ac.krjtshin@ece.skku.ac.kr Cyber infrastructure for earth system  Chulung Choi cuchoi@pknu.ac.krcuchoi@pknu.ac.kr Advanced network research on TEIN & APII Testbeds  Yongjin Park park@hyuee.hanyang.ac.krpark@hyuee.hanyang.ac.kr Collaboration system for tele-medicine on TEIN & APII Testbeds  Youngwoo Kim gskim@ncc.re.krgskim@ncc.re.kr ANF has broader scope of WGs Dae-Young Kim, dykim@cnu.ac.kr

11 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 11 @APAN17+, New Initiative in North Asia …CJK G+ Triangle (Rec) Respond to increasing demands of R&A  6T as well as next generation network among CJK  Divergent social application & HRD Function as Common Triangle Hub for global connectivity  Connect links intra-region and/or inter-continental  Collaborate R&A activities therewith  In collaboration with TEIN+TEIN2(EU) as well as IRNC (Am) Bridge the digital divide & promote co-prosperity  CJK + TEIN + TEIN2  CJK + ASEAN (ASEAN+3)

12 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 12 JP KR CN @APAN17, New Initiative in North Asia …CJK G+ Triangle (Rec) 2Q2004 45M ~1Gbs 3Q2005 1Gbs+ 4Q2006 2.5/10Gbs Strengthen R&A Collaboration Bridge the Digital Divide Enhance Global Connectivity

13 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 13 JP KR CN @APAN17+, New Initiative in North Asia …CJK G+ Triangle CJK APEC, ASEM, ASEAN+3 EU-TEIN, US-IRNC APII Workshop APAN Strengthen R&A Collaboration CJK IT MM ASEAN+3 TEL APEC TEL Bridge the Digital Divide Enhance Global Connectivity (2.5G+) IRNC TEIN+TEIN2 KR-CN, KR-JP, CN-JP, + other links

14 APII APAN-18, July 2004, Cairns, AU 14 Thank you seo@kisdi.re.kr

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