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Communion. The invitation To those of you who have the courage to ask the burning questions; to those who are ready to do something with God’s answers;

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Presentation on theme: "Communion. The invitation To those of you who have the courage to ask the burning questions; to those who are ready to do something with God’s answers;"— Presentation transcript:

1 Communion

2 The invitation To those of you who have the courage to ask the burning questions; to those who are ready to do something with God’s answers; this invitation is for you. These are holy things we are about to do and a Holy God we are about to come face to face with. In light of all of this it is important that you accept this invitation with humility and thought.

3 The Confession Lord forgive us for… The blindness inside, Our lack of love, The lies of the devil, The lies of the world, The lies of our competing commitments. Lies we listened to and believed Lies we haven’t challenged with Your Word, With Faith in You, and with Your Presence.

4 The Desire Lord we ask you … For good health and clear minds, For strength and persistence to earn a living, For rest, for our bodies and spirits, For true safety, For protection from our true enemies, For a just and strong nation that knows the difference between true and false And for Christian Family.

5 The Desire Our Father in heaven, Reveal who you are. Set the world right; Do what’s best – As above so below Keep us alive with three square meals, Keep us forgiven with you and forgiving others. Keep us safe from ourselves and the Devil. You’re in charge! You can do anything you want! You’re ablaze with beauty!

6 The Intercession Lord we lift up to you… The sick, the terminally ill, and the aged, The widows and orphans, the poor and oppressed, The lonely, discouraged, mourning and heartbroken, Those trapped and enslaved by sin, unaware of your help.

7 The Intercession For those that work at home and those that work outside the home, For Our teachers and their students, For Our doctors, nurses, and anyone who helps the sick, For the blue collars, white collars and no collars, For farmers and city folk, For the old and the young, For those who are in government and those who are under government.

8 The Story

9 The Approach Here we are Lord. We don’t enter into this with self-confidence, stupid pride in ourselves, or trusting in our own goodness. We just trust in you and your mercy. If “just ourselves” is all we had going for us then we couldn’t even eat the crumbs from this table. Thankfully we have you with us. We ask that as we incorporate these molecules of wheat and grapes into our physical selves, that we would also incorporate your Spirit, your character, your new life, into the whole of ourselves. In taking communion we ask that you would make us one with you, one with each other, united as we serve the world.

10 The First Words

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