Facilitating Workforce Development Uford A. Madden and Harriett Paul Center for International Agriculture, Trade, Developmental Research and Training College.

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Presentation on theme: "Facilitating Workforce Development Uford A. Madden and Harriett Paul Center for International Agriculture, Trade, Developmental Research and Training College."— Presentation transcript:

1 Facilitating Workforce Development Uford A. Madden and Harriett Paul Center for International Agriculture, Trade, Developmental Research and Training College of Engineering Sciences Technology and Agriculture Florida A&M University Tallahassee, Florida

2 MODULE 3: Workforce Development Unit 1: Awareness of cultural differences of new employees Have participants introduce themselves Name Family origin Places where each has resided Languages spoken Share a favorite holiday event e.g Christmas *Use Module I -Building Cultural Competencies

3 Building Awareness Record information based on introductions Begin with groups or two individuals:  Identify cultural practices and differences and discuss  Suggest methods they can use to address the differences  Express acceptance and evaluate understanding *Use Module II. Assessing Strengths and Opportunities of a Cultural Community

4 Employers/Employees Skills  What types of skills do new workers possess?  What types of skills do the employers need?  What are the skills employers need that are not found in the new worker population?  Are there programs to provide new workers with skills that employers need? *Use information from Module VIII- American Engagement

5 Unit 2: Employers/Employees relations  What are the issues can affect employers/ employees relations?  What issues need to be addressed that will enhance understanding and improve the relationships between employees and employers  What plan and strategies can be developed need to address issues that will enhance understanding and improve the relationships between employees and employers

6 Biases of Employers/Employees  What personal and institutional biases can affect employers/ employees relations/understanding?  What personal and institutional biases need to be addressed that will enhance understanding and Improve the relationships between employees and employers?  What plan and strategies can be developed need to address personal and institutional that will enhance understanding and improve the relationships between employees and employers?

7 Cultural work ethics of new workers  What personal and institutional cultural work ethics can affect employers/employees relations/ understanding?  What personal and institutional cultural work ethics need to be addressed that will enhance understanding and improve the relationships between employees and employers?  What plan and strategies can be developed need to address personal and institutional cultural work ethics that will enhance understanding and improve the relationships between employees and employers?

8 Expectations of Employees and Employers  What are the personal and institutional expectations do employers have of employees on the job?  What are personal and institutional expectations do employees have of employers?  What plan and strategies can be developed to address personal and institutional expectations of employees and employers? *Participants can make suggestions and use resource information to answer questions

9 Expectations of Employees and Employers  What are the institutional priorities/values do employers have for employees on the job?  Are institutional priorities/values match with the those of employees?  What plan and strategies can be developed to address priorities and values of employees and employers?  http://www.bcs.uni.edu/idm/newiowans/PDFDoc ument/Manager%20Training.pdf http://www.bcs.uni.edu/idm/newiowans/PDFDoc ument/Manager%20Training.pdf

10 Awareness of Cultural Differences in the Work Environments  What are some cultural perceptions /misconceptions you can identify?  Have participants list various conceptions  Evaluate and discuss conceptions  What are some potential effects of cultural perceptions/misconceptions you identify?

11 Building Awareness of Cultural Differences in the Workplace  Suggest different methods they can use to address the differences  Evaluate and discuss different methods they can use to address the cultural differences  What strategies can be developed to overcome/ address perceptions/misconceptions?

12 Building Awareness of Cultural Differences in the Workplace Assessment of cultural competence of employers/managers/owners/human resources personnel Potential effects of cultural competence of employers /managers/owners/human resources personnel Development of cultural competence training for employers/managers/owners/human resources personnel

13 Unit 3: Education and training – meeting the needs of the new workers  What are the education and training needs of new by employees?  What education and training competences employers need that are not found in the new worker population?  Is there a need to develop and implement programs to provide new workers with education and training competences that employers need? http://www.workingforamerica.org/news/story.asp? ArticleID=67

14 Education needs of new employees and employers  What is education competence needed by employers?  What is the education competence of new employees?  What education competence employers need that are not found in the new worker population?  Are there programs to provide new workers with education competence that employers need?

15 Education and skills needed to meet the needs of the employers  What are the current education and training needs of new by employers?  What are current education and training competences employers need that are not found in the new employee population?  What strategies can be developed to provide education and training competences that are demanded by employers?

16 Unit 4: Worker placement  How can worker placement be maximized?  What are the present trend in education training that will assist in addressing availability of opportunities for new worker in the future? *http://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=Employment +opportunities+and+agencies&FORM=SMCRThttp://search.msn.com/results.aspx?q=Employment +opportunities+and+agencies&FORM=SMCRT *http://www.spherion.com/corporate/careercenter/ca reerresources/job_mktg_intell.jsphttp://www.spherion.com/corporate/careercenter/ca reerresources/job_mktg_intell.jsp

17 Opportunities that are available for new workers  Where do you get information about jobs that are available?  How many jobs are available for workers?  Where are the employers located?  What is the trend of job availability for workers?

18 Types of work available for new workers and appropriate worker skills  Where do you get information about potential employers and education and training skills needed for available jobs?  What are the present trends in job market that will assist in addressing availability of opportunities for new worker in the future? * Use Module VIII- Country as People- Workplace cooperation and partnership

19 Developing employee skills  How to develop a resume and/or complete a job application?  How to search for job opportunities  Language skills training/courses  Interviewing strategies

20 Developing employee skills Computer skills/Training Where do you get information about library and workforce development agencies Using the library http://www.workingforamerica.org/news/story.as p?ArticleID=67http://www.workingforamerica.org/news/story.as p?ArticleID=67

21 Employees obtaining jobs and Employers recruiting and retaining jobs How can employee be successful in obtaining/retaining jobs? How can employers be successful in recruiting/retaining jobs? *Use resource information to find situations to fit

22 Extension Professional as a conduit to Agency to facilitate workers entry into the workforce  How can Educators and Extension Professionals assist in fulfilling the needs of new workers?  How will effectiveness in integrating new workers into the workforce be evaluated? http://www.bcs.uni.edu/idm/newiowans/PDF Document/Manager%20Training.pdf http://www.workingforamerica.org/news/stor y.asp?ArticleID=67

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