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THE EARTH CHARTER The mission of the Earth Charter is to establish a sound ethical foundation for the emerging global society and to help build a sustainable.

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Presentation on theme: "THE EARTH CHARTER The mission of the Earth Charter is to establish a sound ethical foundation for the emerging global society and to help build a sustainable."— Presentation transcript:

1 THE EARTH CHARTER The mission of the Earth Charter is to establish a sound ethical foundation for the emerging global society and to help build a sustainable world based on respect for nature, universal human rights, economic justice, and a culture of peace.

2 Why an Earth Charter? Given the global situation, humanity faces a common problem, which can only be solved through co-operative action based on shared values and an agreed agenda. The Earth Charter is a civil society contribution to this need.

3 Dominant patterns of production and consumption are causing environmental devastation, the depletion of resources, and a massive extinction of species. Communities are being undermined. The benefits of development are not shared equitably and the gap between rich and poor is widening. Injustice, poverty and violent conflict are widespread and the cause of great suffering. An unprecedented rise in human population has overburdened ecological and social systems. The foundations of global security are threatened. The Global Situation

4 The Earth Charter is: A Synthesis of values and principles widely shared around the world Based on science, international law, world philosophies and religions A soft-law document

5 Origin and History of the Earth Charter In 1987 the UNWCED issued a call for creation of a new charter that would set forth fundamental principles for sustainable development. The drafting of an Earth Charter was part of the unfinished business of the 1992 Rio Earth Summit.

6 Origin and History of the Earth Charter In 1994 Maurice Strong, the Secretary General of the Earth Summit and Chair of the Earth Council, and Mikhail Gorbachev, President of Green Cross International, launched a new Earth Charter initiative with support from the Dutch government. An Earth Charter Commission was formed in 1997 to oversee the project and an Earth Charter Secretariat was established at the Earth Council in Costa Rica.

7 Where do draft Earth Charter values and principles come from? law, declarations by the UN General Assembly and UN World International hard and soft law, declarations by the UN General Assembly and UN WorldSummits charters and declarations Civil society charters and declarations consultation Global consultation process Faith Faith traditions, philosophy, intellectual discourse codes Scientific understanding, and knowledge of best practice & professional codes of practice. 4

8 Consultation The Earth Charter is the product of a decade long, worldwide, cross-cultural conversation about common goals and shared values. Thousands of individuals and hundreds of organizations from all regions of the world, different cultures, and diverse sectors of society have participated including experts and representatives of grassroots communities.

9 Earth Charter Earth Charter Objectives dialoguePromote a world-wide dialogue on shared values democratic pDevelop Earth Charter through a democratic process People’s TreatyPeople’s Treaty- awareness, commitment, implementation of values and principles Law. Seek endorsement of UN General Assembly as Soft Law. EC France

10 The Earth Charter Concept a. A Global Ethic (cf. Universal Declaration of Human Rights) b. Values that define an aspiration world view c. Guiding Principles (Code of Conduct) for individual and collective (community, NGO, Corporate, Government) behaviour. 1

11 Unique Contributions Consciousness Raising in terms of sensitizing people to complex problems of today Application of Values and Principles to guide more sustainable ways of living Call for Action by fostering a culture of collaboration, justice, sustainability and peace.

12 Structure of the Earth Charter Layered document: Preamble 4 themes 16 main principles 61 supporting principles “Way Forward” EC Armenia

13 Preamble Invitation to consider our common destiny towards a sustainable global society: 1. Overview 2. The ecological context 3. The global social and environmental situation 4. The challenges and choices 5. The need for Universal Responsibility 6. Need for a shared ethical framework

14 4 Main Themes Respect and Care for the Community of Life (the Earth Charter in a nut shell) Ecological Integrity (nature conservation, environmental protection) Social and Economic Justice Democracy, Non-violence and Peace

15 5 Paragraphs: The Way Forward Commitment Ongoing dialogue Partnerships Global interdependence New beginning Towards a sustainable way of life

16 How can the Earth Charter be used to bring about more sustainable ways of living? Promoting accountability in business and government Assessing progress, e.g.. criteria and indicators An educational resource, e.g.. for revising curriculum Framing constructive dialogue between stakeholders from all sectors Catalyst for inter-faith dialogue “Soft law” document to promote new “hard law” 14

17 How can the Earth Charter help organizations? Mission statements Strategic Plans Business Plans Company Codes of Practice/Conduct New internal culture of organization Accountability - Performance Indicators Quality assurance - ISO14000 Promote new Partnerships

18 What does Endorsement Mean? Endorsement of the Earth Charter by individuals or organizations signifies a commitment to the spirit and aims of the document. It is an indication that they intend to utilize the Earth Charter in ways that are appropriate given their situation. Endorsement also means a readiness to cooperate with others in the effort to implement Earth Charter values.

19 Living City/TRCA As an education tool As values basis for Living City objectives and TRCA programs Disseminate to watershed councils, other CAs and interested groups As Code of Practice As common link to international sustainability agenda.

20 Endorse the Earth Charter Achieving sustainability will depend ultimately on changes in behaviour and lifestyles, changes that will need to be motivated by a shift in values, and rooted in the cultural and moral precepts upon which behaviour is predicated. (UNESCO, 1999) EC Russia

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