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2015 Kathleen A. Zar Pre-Symposium Workshop What to expect as an author and what it takes to be a good peer reviewer Maryellen L. Giger, Ph.D. A. N. Pritzker.

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Presentation on theme: "2015 Kathleen A. Zar Pre-Symposium Workshop What to expect as an author and what it takes to be a good peer reviewer Maryellen L. Giger, Ph.D. A. N. Pritzker."— Presentation transcript:

1 2015 Kathleen A. Zar Pre-Symposium Workshop What to expect as an author and what it takes to be a good peer reviewer Maryellen L. Giger, Ph.D. A. N. Pritzker Professor of Radiology Department of Radiology Committee on Medical Physics and the College The University of Chicago Editor-in-Chief, SPIE Journal of Medical Imaging

2 At the University of Chicago, my lab discovers new ways to use computers to enrich the information obtained from medical images so that radiologists can better find, diagnose, and treat disease (such as breast cancer). Giger Zar Workshop 2015

3 What to expect as an author? What it takes to be a good peer reviewer? Giger Zar Workshop 2015

4 Why publish? Giger Zar Workshop 2015

5 Why publish? To share your research with your scientific community, and potentially with the public Importance of positive and negative findings Giger Zar Workshop 2015

6 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015

7 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Original theoretical or experimental research; includes translational and/or clinical research

8 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Original theoretical or experimental research; includes translational and/or clinical research But on a special topic identified by the journal

9 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Report of an extensive series of measurements Should present new scientific information

10 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Concise description of a specific development, procedure, or device

11 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Short article or communication of significant interest intended for rapid publication.

12 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Article reviewing a particular topic or field An authoritative review May be either invited or proffered

13 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015 “letter” addressing a scientific point in connection with a previous publication (from another author)

14 Author of what? Research article Special section research article Technical report Technical note Letter Review article Correspondence on another’s article Editorial Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Brief article of interest of general interest to readers May be invited or proffered May be associated with a topic with a special section and/or issue May be in addition to the Editor’s usual editorial

15 Who is an Author? Authorship confers credit and has important academic, social, and financial implications* Authorship implies responsibility and accountability for published work* A list of authors does not communicate who did what! * ICMJE Guidelines (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors) Giger Zar Workshop 2015

16 Who is an Author? Substantial contributions to the conception or design of the work; or the acquisition, analysis, or interpretation of data for the work* Drafting the work or revising it critically for important intellectual content* Final approval of the version to be published* AND Agreement to be accountable for all aspects of the work in ensuring that questions related to the accuracy or integrity of any part of the work are appropriately investigated and resolved* * ICMJE Guidelines (International Committee of Medical Journal Editors)

17 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015

18 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Content & Presentation

19 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Content & Presentation Everything should be made as simple as possible, but not simpler. — Albert Einstein

20 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Summarizes entire paper - purpose, materials & methods, results, & discussion on relevance Write last Consider your abstract as an “advertisement” for your full article

21 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Include review of literature (details vary) Give the current state of the field/knowledge Necessary in order to understand your contribution/impact to the field Include purpose of your study/paper Some journals allow a statement on the organization of the paper

22 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Characteristics of your dataset including collection process, IRB, etc Details of methods will vary with journal with some requesting that you put details in an online appendix/supplement Might use a schematic diagram Statistical analyses used Materials should be clear so that others can understand and reproduce

23 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Tables & figures of results that are referred to in the text Concise and comprehensive Include statistical results and significance

24 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Relative to your prior literature review Address agreement or disagreement with your findings Your contributions Puts your findings in context of the big picture Clarifications Limitations of your study

25 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Relatively short Think – “take home point” Could include a quantitative conclusion followed by a qualitative/relevance statement

26 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Non-authors and contributions Funding/grant support COI

27 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015

28 Basic Components of a Paper Abstract Introduction Materials and Methods Results Discussion Conclusion Acknowledgements Literature Cited Appendices Giger Zar Workshop 2015 Picture someone flipping through the journal Might read the abstract Might glance the tables and figures Might just read the conclusion Need to get their attention!

29 Where should I submit? What’s important? Who is the “audience” for my paper? – Broad vs. narrow – Technical vs. clinical Does my paper fit the scope of the journal? How important is impact factor? – Note relationship to size of field & type of paper How important is review time? How important is overall time from submission to publication? e.g., RADIOLOGY vs. MEDICAL PHYSICS vs. JMI Giger Zar Workshop 2015

30 Actually submitting a manuscript Can be tedious Potential word, page, figure, table limitations Limits on type of figures and tables Key words May ask for specific impact statement Should not submit simultaneously to more than one journal Giger Zar Workshop 2015

31 Authorship & Plagiarism Plagiarism constitutes unethical scientific behavior and is never acceptable. Proper acknowledgement of the work of others used in a research project must always be given. e.g., SPIE uses the CrossCheck plagiarism screening service to detect instances of overlapping and similar test in submitted manuscripts. Giger Zar Workshop 2015

32 Authorship & Conflict of Interest Public trust in the scientific process and the credibility of published articles depend on the transparency of COIs Each author is required to disclose any and all potential conflicts of interests, including any professional relationship or action that may result in a conflict of interest. Giger Zar Workshop 2015

33 Authorship & Use of Human Subjects and Animals IRB approval or equivalent; Informed consent SPIE: “SPIE expects all authors to observe internationally accepted principles and practices related to the ethical conduct of research involving the use of human subjects or animals.” – Brief statement included in the paper identifying the institutional oversight or licensing body that approved the studies. – Statement included confirming that informed consent was either obtained from all subjects or this requirement was waived by the oversight body. Giger Zar Workshop 2015

34 Authors & Common Issues Write, rewrite, and then rewrite – Seeing the forest from the trees – Ask senior colleagues & peers to read and critique your paper before you submit Formatting and spellchecking Consistency in labels, abbreviations, symbols, equations, etc Don’t editoralize! Read many journal articles and look at the characteristics of the good ones! Giger Zar Workshop 2015

35 Authors & the Reviews Most people, at some time, will experience a “major revision” or a “reject” on a manuscript (or grant) Learn to appreciate good constructive criticism Learn to recognize a poor review and just deal with it Learn to recognize an inaccurate review and when to inform the editor Learn from the review (be self critical) Giger Zar Workshop 2015

36 What to expect as an author? What it takes to be a good peer reviewer? Giger Zar Workshop 2015

37 Single vs. double blind review Varies with journal Author does not know the reviewers Reviewer might or might not know the authors AE might or might not be identified Giger Zar Workshop 2015

38 Becoming a Reviewer Say “yes” to the review request email Have a senior/experienced reviewer read your first couple of reviews Remember the issues you had when you wrote a paper and received reviews Recognize major issues and minor issues with a paper Reviewer others’ papers makes you a better paper writer! Giger Zar Workshop 2015

39 Writing a review Read article as you usually would Question content: purpose, materials, methods, statistical analyses, results, conclusions, discussion Assess presentation: clear, concise, sufficient detail for reproducing methods and results Organize review: major & minor concerns Be constructive in your review Giger Zar Workshop 2015

40 Writing a review Assess if paper can ever be made acceptable (or are new major experiments/simulations, etc. needed) Need to determine: – Minor modifications optional – Minor modifications required – Major revisions required and re-review – Reject – reason: Quality and/or scope of the research Clarity, organization, and grammar of the presentation Giger Zar Workshop 2015

41 Reviewers and COI Public trust in the scientific process and the credibility of published articles depend on the transparency of COIs Reviewer COI may (or may give the appearance) of a bias for or against the paper Each reviewer is required to disclose any and all potential conflicts of interests, including any professional relationship or action that may result in a conflict of interest. Giger Zar Workshop 2015

42 Thank you Questions? Giger Zar Workshop 2015

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