Admeta Plus 2014 AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORAL PRESENTATION Program committee chair Takenao Nemoto Company Logo Company logo is allowed at the right corner.

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Presentation on theme: "Admeta Plus 2014 AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORAL PRESENTATION Program committee chair Takenao Nemoto Company Logo Company logo is allowed at the right corner."— Presentation transcript:

1 Admeta Plus 2014 AUTHOR INSTRUCTIONS FOR ORAL PRESENTATION Program committee chair Takenao Nemoto Company Logo Company logo is allowed at the right corner of top (optional) Name and affiliations to be displayed here

2 2/11 Company Logo Outline 1.Introduction 2.Page Layout 3.Text Formatting 4.Preparing Figures 5.Animation and video 6.Author’s Corner 7.Summary Outline page is requested for audience to understand presentation flow. Page number / total page should be displayed here.

3 3/11 Company Logo Introduction Objectives of Introduction –Presenter requested to follow presentation guideline –To present technical background information –To bring technology history –To address issues Purpose/Goal –Presentation is requested to address the goals –The goals should agree to the conclusions Minimum font size = 20pt Arial and symbol US are preferable. No Japanese font (including unit)

4 4/11 Company Logo Page Layout Minimum font size is suggested to be 20 pt No Japanese font is used, including unit. Arial or symbol font is recommended. Black or high contrast color text on white background is requested. ( low contrast color test is not preferable)

5 5/11 Company Logo Preparing Figures Minimum font size = 16 pt Arial and symbol US are preferable. No Japanese font (including unit) Inside line is requested Thick line Short message/comment are optional. Ex; The theory fits well to experimental results. Temp. = 20 ºC Brief explanation of condition 2 graphs maximum on one page

6 6/11 Company Logo Animation/Video Animation or video is only acceptable if it is important to the technical content of the presentation –Figure animation is acceptable, such as adding arrows, circles, or data/test highlights, to the figures. All critical information and main message should be on the initial layered view of a slide that has a layered figure animation structure –Text animation is not acceptable, such as bullets coming in one after another, or text appearing sequentially

7 7/11 Company Logo Author’s Corner All oral presenters are expected to participate in the Author's Corner immediately following their session. These lively sessions allow for one-on-one interaction with the attendees. Presenters are requested to prepare hard copy of presentation at authors corner discussion.

8 8/11 Company Logo Conclusions 1.Conclusions are request to make attendees remind your points. 2.When preparing your Admeta Plus PowerPoint presentation, follow these guideline from the start page. 3.Remember - bring a hard-copy for the Authors’ Corner 4.See you at the conference!

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