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Lambda Station Project Andrey Bobyshev; Phil DeMar; Matt Crawford ESCC/Internet2 Winter 2008 Joint Techs January 22; Honolulu, HI

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Presentation on theme: "Lambda Station Project Andrey Bobyshev; Phil DeMar; Matt Crawford ESCC/Internet2 Winter 2008 Joint Techs January 22; Honolulu, HI"— Presentation transcript:

1 Lambda Station Project Andrey Bobyshev; Phil DeMar; Matt Crawford ESCC/Internet2 Winter 2008 Joint Techs January 22; Honolulu, HI Fermilab

2 Will replace as the most commonly purloined presentation prop? recycled

3 Goals and major directions of the project Software architecture, API, SOAP/XML, some details How Lambda Station works - use cases Status and the near-term plans Outline of the talk

4 The goal of the project... Target: last-mile problem between local computing facilities and alternate WAN paths Strategy: develop a network path selection service to interface production storage & computing facilities with wide-area network paths.  alternate network paths for high impact data movement  selective forwarding on a per flow basis  graceful cutover and fallback on path changes  on-demand from applications (authentication & authorization)  current implementation based on policy-based routing & including the support of DSCP marking

5 LSInterface LS-Management & Reporting Interface mySQL:requests, history,security LSDIScovery Service LSRESource Scheduler LSController local definitions online updates SOAP/Clarens Vendor specific modules NETWORK CONFIGURATOR CISCO Force10 WAN Storage & application space Management SOAP/Clarens LSInterface Remote Lambda Station Data Exchange Control & Management Service-based Architecture: CLARENS is framework for service-based architecture, mutual authentication of requests LSController – synchronizes work of all services, has control functions LSInterface - unified interface for intercommunication between LS and applications, and LS-to-LS LSDIScovery service – detects new lambdastations, and PBR clients at remote and local sites LSRESource Scheduler – estimates bandwidth allocation, monitor real-time usage of resources Network Configurator – dynamic reconfiguring of LAN and WAN SOAP Software architecture

6 Check references at  Papers published at CHEP04, CHEP06, Gridnet2006, CHEP07  Demonstrations at SC05, I2 FMM 2007; SC07 For more details... Instead, we would like to walk you through a few the real world use cases

7 Normal traffic flow LambdaStation @ Fermilab Caltech Tier2 OSCARS Internet2/ ESNet Dynamic Circuits WAN LambdaStation High Impact traffic Control messages Network configuring UNL Tier2 LambdaStation US CMS Tier 1 Facility UltraLight

8 Site Lambda Station Network infrastructure Network infrastructure Routed R&E Networks High Impact Data Network Default network path An alternate, high-impact path Control plane Use case 1: Alternate traffic forwarding on- demand of Data Movement Applications (dCache/SRM) Two sites can exchange traffic via several networks. Each site has a Lambda Station to steer selected flows into an alternate path on-demand of applications. Site networks can be dynamically reconfigured by Lambda Stations or statically pre-configured. If supported by site network infrastructure or/and by applications QoS ToS or DSCP can be used to match selected flows. CaltechFermilab US CMS Tier1 Center Tier2 Facility dCache/SRM

9 SRM@FNAL LS@FNALNET@FNAL NET@CALTECH SRM@CALTECH LS@CALTECH Configuring Network High BW path Re-conf to default All time through the life cycle of reservation each site checks periodically the corresponding reservation at remote site. If an error is detected, local reservation will be cancelled. Data Movement Reservation Request BW Local ID Active OK Status? Request BW/path Remote ID ACK Sequence Diagram - Use Case 1 (simplified) Status? Completed Ticket expired

10 A path across DCN Fermilab Lambda Station Server University of Nebraska Network infrastructure Network infrastructure Routed R&E Network Default network path Internet2 DCSESnet OSCARs Lambda Station Server Control plane Circuit call setup & teardown LAN reconfiguration to use circuit Inter-Lambda Station coordination FtWatch request/response Use case 2: Setup alternate traffic path between FNAL and UNL via Dynamic Circuit based on flow analysis. IDC/ESNetIDC/Internet2 Flow data Flow analysis

11 Sequence diagram - use case 2 (simplified) ftwatch LS@FNAL net@FNAL UNL LS IDC/I2 net@UNL OpenSvcTicket & call IDC Remote ID openSvcTicket Status ? OK Reserve/Activate OK netconf OK netconf OK Path is established teardown netconf

12 Forward path across DCN Site Lambda Station Site A Site B Network infrastructure Network infrastructure General Internet Default network path Dynamic Circuits Networks IDC-B Reverse path across general Internet IDC-A Domain A Domain B High Impact Data Network Control plane Circuit call setup & teardown LAN reconfiguration to use circuit Application-initiated request/response Use case 3: Sinking traffic via DCN or High Impact Networks

13 Functional system deployed at FNAL, UNL, & Caltech Application LS awareness - dCache/SRM Primitive protocol to request a DC via ESNet/Internet2 Successful demonstration SC05, I2 FMM, SC07 (Sort of…) Production use with US CMS Tier1, Tier2s at UNL and Caltech Flow analysis to invoke a Lambda Station ticket based on observed traffic Summary – Current Status

14 Improve code to make production quality Support multi-platform clients Enhance protocol for interaction with OSCARs/ESnet & DCN/I2 Improve distribution package Develop management/configuring tools Interface with monitoring system Documentation Plans

15 Large-scale data recover via DCN One week after I2 FMM demo, UNL lost their Tier-2 data cache 50TB Data recovered by transfer FNAL Tier-1:  Largely via Internet2/ESNet Dynamic Circuit  Completed in 32 hours

16 Progress Chart of Lambda Station Request in SC07 Demo

17 The END

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