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What is your plan? Understanding Career Paths, Career Clusters, and Career Pathways.

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Presentation on theme: "What is your plan? Understanding Career Paths, Career Clusters, and Career Pathways."— Presentation transcript:

1 What is your plan? Understanding Career Paths, Career Clusters, and Career Pathways

2 Career Paths 6 Career Paths Health Services AKA: Health Path Industrial & Engineering Technology AKA: Building & Fixing Path Natural Resources, Agriculture AKA: Nature Path Business, Management & Technology AKA: Business Path Arts & Communication AKA: Creative Path Human Services AKA: Helping Path

3 Career Clusters in IET Path Industrial & Engineering Technology Building & Fixing Path Manufacturing Transportation, Distribution & Logistics Science, Technology, Engineering & Mathematics Architecture & Construction

4 Career Cluster in Health Services Path Health Services Health Path Health Science

5 Career Clusters in Human Services Path Human Services Helping Path Human Services Hospitality & Tourism Government & Public Administration Law, Public Safety, Corrections & Security Education & Training

6 Career Cluster in Natural Resources Agriculture Path Natural Resources Agriculture Agriculture, Food & Natural Resources

7 Career Clusters in Business, Management & Technology Path Business, Management & Technology Business Path Information Technology MarketingFinance Business Management & Administration

8 Career Cluster in Arts & Communication Path Arts & Communication Creative Path Arts, A/V Technology & Communications

9 Career Pathways Each Career Cluster breaks into smaller categories These categories are called Pathways Pathways are your majors you would seek in post secondary education or training See MO Connections for more information

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