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Chèvre Miss Hibbard. On rigole! What do you call a cheese that isnt yours?

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Presentation on theme: "Chèvre Miss Hibbard. On rigole! What do you call a cheese that isnt yours?"— Presentation transcript:

1 Chèvre Miss Hibbard

2 On rigole! What do you call a cheese that isnt yours?

3 Quest-ce que cest? Cheese from goats milk Many forms – Similar to cream cheese (light and soft) – Semi-soft like Jack cheese – Harder versions, smoked, like Gouda – Aged, similar to Parmesan

4 On rigole encore! Do deer like cheese?

5 On continue avec les types Varietystrong to mild, hard to soft Soft – Paired w/ herbs – Melts wellcalzones, pizza – Crackers, salads Hard – Sprinkled on popcorn, top pasta, eaten in small slices Not direct substitute for cows milk (flavors vary) – Chèvre less salty than Feta – Many can digest more easily, creamier and more antioxidants – Lower in fat, calories, cholesterol

6 On rigole plus! Which cheese would you use to entice a grizzly bear down a mountain?

7 Lhistoire 8000 B.C. small herds of goats (small, transported easily, nomadic) in Eastern Mediterranean – Healthy food (all parts of the goat, including the milk) – When made into cheese, kept well End of 8 th century, Muslims brought to Loire Valley for trade/commerce

8 On rigole encore! How did the Spanish vegan cheese introduce himself at a party?

9 Où est-ce quon le trouve? France (8 th century) Spain/Portugal United Kingdom Greece Norway Italy China Australia Many other countries, including the US

10 Et les dernières To Brie, or not to Brie…that is the question! Spanish might be Gouda, but French is Feta

11 Les Références /archive/2006/11/17/the-history-of-goat- cheese.html /archive/2006/11/17/the-history-of-goat- cheese.html how/history-of-goats-cheese.php how/history-of-goats-cheese.php at-cheese.php at-cheese.php ml ml

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