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EMIS Basics David Ehle, Director Office of Data Quality and Governance December 13, 2013.

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Presentation on theme: "EMIS Basics David Ehle, Director Office of Data Quality and Governance December 13, 2013."— Presentation transcript:

1 EMIS Basics David Ehle, Director Office of Data Quality and Governance December 13, 2013

2 Overview EMIS Reporting Entities EMIS Manual Reporting Periods Helpful Information Other Reporting Requirements Getting Help Questions

3 EMIS Reporting Entities Public School Districts  City, Local, and Exempted Village  Community Schools  Department of Youth Service (DYS)  Educational Service Centers (ESCs)  Joint Vocational Schools (JVSs)  State Schools  School for the Blind  School for the Deaf

4 Key Determinants Impacting Funding Student population make-up (not all inclusive) –Career-technical –Community School –Gifted –LEP –Preschool –Special Ed –Disadvantagement District program participation (not all inclusive) –Autism Scholarship –Ed Choice Scholarship –Title One

5 The EMIS Manual 1. General Info 2. Student 3. Staff 4. Course 5. District/Building 6. Financial 7. Five-Year Forecast 8. Special Collections

6 The EMIS Manual, cont. Information included in each section –Revision History –Required Reporting Periods –General Guidelines –Elements –File Layout

7 The EMIS Manual, cont. Each element includes –Record Field Number –Definition –Valid Options –Reporting Instructions

8 The EMIS Manual, cont. Record Layouts –Specified by ODE –Create uniformity in EMIS processing –Data is extracted from district systems in the formats prescribed by these sections

9 Data Concerns Data Security –Legislation FERPA, HIPPA, IDEA –Student ODE cannot have student name or social security –Reason for SSID –Creates challenges for disseminating information back to districts SSID crosswalk protected SSID to be used for EMIS reporting only unless otherwise designated

10 Reporting Periods EMIS Reporting Periods –Nonconsecutive –Snapshot – based on a period of time Week School year As of date

11 October (K) Student Data –Preschool – Enrolled on or before Dec. 1 –School Age (K-12) – from beginning of school through end of count week Funding based on first full week in October (known as a Count Week) Special Ed changes through Dec. 1 –Summer Withdrawals

12 October (K), cont. Special Education Student Data –Special Ed students with a valid IEP on Dec. 1 of the current school year –Preschool students with or without disabilities enrolled on or prior to Dec. 1 Federal Reporting Requirements –Known as December Child Count –Potential future impact on federal funding

13 October (K), cont. Staff Data –Employed during the October Count Week –Employed the current school year, but left prior to October Count Week –Employed as of last year reporting, but left prior to start of current school year

14 October (K), cont. Funding –Student ADM –Special Ed Weighted Funding –Preschool State Funding –CTE Funding Accountability –Teacher

15 March (D) CTE Workforce Development Follow-Up Record –Student Data (CT only) –CT students who were identified as concentrators during prior school years Graduates or Students no longer enrolled Federal reporting requirements –Perkins

16 March (D), cont. These students are no longer enrolled and are therefore not in your systems ODE generates a file based on previous yearend data for these students Districts update the information for the identified students (employed, military, post secondary) Data is submitted back to ODE

17 Yearend (N) Student –Students enrolled at any time during the school year –Students who were not enrolled during the current school year but have passed all graduation tests which result in them earning a diploma These students would have already met curriculum requirements Staff –Any staff member who was employed during the current school year

18 Yearend (N), cont. Funding –Open Enrollment – current year –Economic Disadvantagement – next year –Special Ed – next year Accountability – State and Federal

19 Yearend (N), cont. Challenges of this reporting period –School is out –Limited staff –Results of assessments What can you do? –Gather Lists Graduates Special Ed students Students who were not tested –Ensure test results are loaded into your SIS as soon as possible after receipt

20 July (H) Financial District/Building revenue, expenditures, and receipts Federal and State reporting requirements

21 Five-Year Forecast (P) Financial Historical – three (3) years Projected – Current + four (4) years District revenue, expenditures, and other funding items State reporting requirements

22 Helpful Information References / Tools –EMIS Manual –EMIS Processing Schedule –Report Explanations –EMIS Newsflashes

23 Helpful Information, cont. ODE Reports –Most copied to ITC May be augmented with additional information found only at ITC –Available on SDC (Secure Data Center) October - Staff Yearend - Reports relative to accountability/LRC Make sure you have a SAFE account and are listed in OEDS-R –See ODE website for Report Explanations


25 Other ODE Collection Systems CCIP Comprehensive Continuous Improvement Plan EDChoice Educational Choice Scholarship Program SOES (formerly CSADM) School Options Enrollment System

26 Other Data Systems OEDS (Ohio Educational Directory System) –Districts responsible for maintaining information –Designations allow access to other applications Secure Data System SAFE (Security Application for Enterprise) –Works with OEDS –Allows access to secure applications District determined SSID (Statewide Student Identifier) –Used to obtain unique student IDs –Student privacy –Longitudinal data analysis

27 Where to Go for Help EMIS Coordinators –Remember that there are others in your district who may be more knowledgeable about specific policies that may determine reporting ITCs ODE via the Helpdesk

28 More Help ODE Business Centers –For policy issues, not EMIS reporting instructions Area Coordinators SSID Help Desk via the ITC In order to refer back to an answer for another situation or at another time, be sure to have it in writing.

29 Questions? 29

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