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The Five Themes of Geography.  There are Five Themes of Geography?

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Presentation on theme: "The Five Themes of Geography.  There are Five Themes of Geography?"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Five Themes of Geography

2  There are Five Themes of Geography?

3 The Five Themes of Geography Geographer – Someone who studies the earth and its various cultures. (Above painting by Jan Vermeer entitled “Geographer”)

4 Location  Theme # 1 Location  This is where something is located.  X - Marks the spot X

5 Location  There are Two Types of Location.  1) Absolute Location 2) Relative Location

6 Location  Absolute Location – A specific point of a place on the world using Latitude and Longitude lines.  Example – Where are you right now exactly?

7 Location  Relative Location – A general area and description of where a place is located.  Example – What city and state are you guys currently located in?

8 LOCATION Challenge  Absolute Location: The absolute location is  41 degrees North and 12 degrees East.  (41°N, 12°E)  Relative Location: The relative location of the Coliseum is Rome, Italy. It is on the western side of Italy.

9 Place  Theme # 2  Place  Describes the physical and man made features that make an area unique. (Paris is known for its food and museums)

10 Place  Washington D.C. is the Capital City of the United States and it has many beautiful monuments.

11 Movement  Themes # 3 – Movement  Looks at how and why people and other objects move from place to place.

12 Movement  E-mail…think about how this electronic signal travel across the world in just a few seconds

13 Movement  Texting  Insta-gram  Tweets  Face Book  E-mail  Instant messaging IM’s

14 Movement  The old way  Newspapers  Mail  Telegraph  Telephone  Chat rooms  Coffee Shops

15 Regions  Theme # 4 – Regions  Are areas that share common characteristics.

16 Regions  The Great Plains  A region of the united states that is defined by it people and how they live.  Industry Agriculture  Lush farmland  Working class farmers

17 Human Environmental Interaction  Theme # 5 – Human Environmental Interaction  The way that people interact with their personal environments.

18 Human Environmental Interaction  Farming…

19 Human Environmental Interaction  Recycling…

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