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Accommodation & Hospitality Services East Team A Staff meeting.

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Presentation on theme: "Accommodation & Hospitality Services East Team A Staff meeting."— Presentation transcript:

1 Accommodation & Hospitality Services East Team A Staff meeting

2 Accommodation & Hospitality Services E-Slips Health & Safety - COSHH Environmental – Student switch off HR – Dignity and Respect Agenda

3 Accommodation & Hospitality Services A decision on whether the University campus will be closed will be posted on the University website (internal, external & student homepages) and Twitter by 7.30am. For those without web access, there will be a recorded message on 01225 383200 from 7.30am onwards. Unless a decision to close is taken, the University’s policy on adverse weather conditions stipulates that staff who are not able to attend work will need to take that day as unpaid or annual leave. Snow and ice

4 Accommodation & Hospitality Services HR Currant Vacancy's 2 X 36.5 General Assistants 1 X 27.5 Domestic Assistant

5 Accommodation & Hospitality Services HR Managing where you receive your pay data through I trent is more secure than the printed payslip – the system encrypts your password so no one else can view it. E-Slips are much more sustainable, reducing our consumption of stationery and use of specialist machinery. The system is tried and tested and now used extensively in other Universities. What will happen to printed payslips? Printed payslips will continue to be produced until January 2014, after which only the E-slip will be issued. E pay Slips

6 Accommodation & Hospitality Services I Following the Staff Survey earlier this year, we would like to invite you to some informal, interactive, confidential sessions where we will explore the results of the survey by giving you the chance to tell us more about the findings and discuss the main issues for Accommodation & Hospitality, with a view to better understand and then develop actions to improve on the areas of concern. All sessions will take place in Esther Parkin on the following dates (please note that 9th and 10th is for team members and 11th is for managers and team leaders only): Monday 9th December 10:15—11:45 am Tuesday 10th December 15:30—17:00 pm Wednesday 11th December 15:30—17:00 pm (managers & supervisors only) Tea, coffee and biscuits will be provided, as well as some festive treats! If you would like to take part, or just want more information, please email Natalie Bonnet ( or phone ext. 5482 or book in person by coming to office 3 West 2.6. We will inform your line manager who will do their best to enable you to attend. Deadline for sign-up 29th November 2013. TALK... LISTEN... ACT... IMPROVE”

7 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Health and Safety Equipment and Chemicals Please ensure that if you are leaving your area of work for lunch ETC. that you put all equipment and Chemical away please

8 Tool Box Talk – COSHH Accommodation & Hospitality Services

9 Environmental

10 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Environmental Each year the Accommodation Department runs Student Switch Off, an energy competition that challenges the students ( and staff ) to compete building against building to see which one can succeed in reducing their electrcity consumption year on year the most. The competition has been running successfully for 4 years and in September 2009 we joined forces with Student Switch Off a national organisation that runs a similar campaign with participating universities.

11 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Environmental Students living in University of Bath accommodation will be encouraged to have fun in the dark this academic year by taking part in The Student Switch Off where halls will compete against each other to come top of the class in energy efficiency. Prizes will be given out over the course of the year to encourage students to save energy and do their bit to tackle climate change.. Prizes on offer include weekly tickets to Elements, Ben & Jerry's ice cream, tickets to Odeon, NUS Extra cards and energy-saving gadgets. On top of all this, the winning hall will receive a celebratory meal and drinks towards the end of the academic year.

12 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Environmental

13 Accommodation & Hospitality Services Dignity and Respect

14 Accommodation & Hospitality Services HR The University is committed to providing an environment where all employees and students are treated with dignity and respect, free of unlawful discrimination, victimisation or any form of harassment. We all have a personal responsibility to treat all co-workers/students/customers with dignity and respect, and not to behave in a manner that could be offensive to others. Any harassment, bullying or victimisation will be regarded extremely seriously and may be grounds for disciplinary action.

15 HR Accommodation & Hospitality Services. Harassment is where actions or comments are made that are perceived as demeaning, unwarranted and unacceptable to the complainant and would be regarded as harassment by any reasonable person. The Equality Act (2010) defines harassment as “unwanted conduct related to a relevant protected characteristic, which has the purpose or effect of violating an individual’s dignity or creating an intimidating, hostile, degrading, humiliating or offensive environment for that individual”. The protected characteristics are age, gender, religion and belief, sexual orientation, trans status, ethnicity, disability, marriage/civil partnership and pregnancy/maternity. Examples of behaviour likely to constitute as harassment include behaviour of a racist nature or abusing someone’s religion.

16 Accommodation & Hospitality Services HR Bullying is a form of harassment but does not need to be related to any protected characteristic and can be described as threatening, abusive, intimidating or insulting behaviour that may be an abuse of power, position or knowledge. An example of bullying is public ridicule/humiliation.

17 Accommodation & Hospitality Services HR Victimisation Can be defined as subjecting a member of staff, student or another person to unfavourable treatment, for example, continually asking one person in a team to work a late shift instead of having a rota.

18 Accommodation & Hospitality Services HR An important consideration in relation to bullying, harassment and victimisation is perception as, a person’s intentions when they act is a certain way may not be to hurt, embarrass or upset someone, but it is how the other person perceives, or views the actions or comments that is important.

19 Accommodation & Hospitality Services HR What to do now? You may sometimes consider that your or others behaviour is just friendly banter however the person on the receiving end of such behaviour may feel very differently about the situation. It is therefore important that we all refrain from any forms of behaviour that could be offensive to others and treat each other and our customers with dignity and respect at all times.

20 Accommodation & Hospitality Services For further information please refer to the University Dignity and Respect for Students and Staff Policy and Procedure This can be found on the University website under Human Resources. The policy sets out the procedure for dealing with Dignity and Respect complaints and outlines that, for complaints of a less serious nature, you should look to resolve the matter informally through speaking to the perpetrator or your line manager. For more serious complaints or where the informal procedure does not result in the unwanted behaviour ceasing then the formal procedure should be considered. HR

21 Accommodation & Hospitality Services HR Weekend working, All 5 over 7 staff will be required to work on Sunday 15 th December 2013 and Sunday 5 th January 2014, A day off in the week leading up to it will be given as per contracts. Over time will be available so if you are interested please let us know after this meeting I

22 Accommodation & Hospitality Services AOB

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